Chapter 31: The Last Red Lantern

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As I look at the people on the strange spaceship, I see two green lanterns and three Earthlings. However, only one of these Earthlings is wearing a pair of glasses.

"You," I say, aiming my red ring at the Earthling with the glasses.

The Man:

As I stare down the red energy gathering in Atrocitus's ring, I look at the Rusted's bridge.

"If I can reach her controls," I think, "I can activate her cannons. I just have to wait for the right opening."

"You," Atrocitus yells, his red ring starting to glow brighter. "Are you the fabled man in glasses I am seeking? Answer me now!"

"Fabled," I repeat, looking at Cold and Harleen. "Uhh, no. I am not the fabled man in glasses you are seeking."

"You're lying," Atrocitus says, descending as he pulls back his ring. The red energy fades, and so does the glow around Atrocitus's body.

"Please," he starts, "I need your help."

"Please," I repeat, pulling back my head. "Those are words I thought I would never hear Atrocitus say. Ever."

Arisia and Laria look at each other before turning to look at me. They lower their rings and walk to the Rusted's railing. I join them.

As we stare at Atrocitus, his face looks different from before. Normally, he always looked angry. His eyes would be glowing, his brows would always be at an angle, and he would always be screaming. Now, the glow in his eyes is fading, his head is lower, and he's talking. Not screaming or yelling or saying he'd destroy me, but he is talking.

"Why do you need the help of the man in glasses," Arisia asks.

"Also, how did you get past Oa's planetary shield," Laria adds.

"Finally, how did you learn of this fabled man with glasses," I say. "Seriously, how did you learn of him?"

"I need the fabled man in glasses' help because we Red Lanterns were attacked very recently," Atrocitus says. "We tried to fight back, but he was just too strong. As far as I know, I am the last Red Lanterns."

To prove his point, Atrocitus reaches for something behind him. Automatically, Arisia and Laria raise their rings. They look ready to fire at Atrocitus but stop when they see what is in his hands.

"Are those," Arisia starts, "Are those red lantern rings?"

"Yes," Atrocitus says, almost whispering.

In Atrocitus's hand are a bunch of red lantern rings. They seem to be drained of any red energy. I watch as a few drop to the ground, the sound of them hitting echoing. Atrocitus flips his hand over and it rains powerless red rings.

"Upon realizing I was the lone survivor of the Red Lantern Corps," Atrocitus goes on. "I spend the next few months coming here."

"Make sense," I think. "The Red Lantern's home planet, Ysmault, is lightyears away. Even at full speed, it would take a green lantern 18 months to reach it."

"When I finally arrived, I saw yellow lanterns attacking. I knew I couldn't take them on so I waited."

"He knew he couldn't take out a bunch of yellow lanterns," I repeat. "Wait, is this Atrocitus, or is Clayface pretending again?"

"As the last yellow lantern entered, I followed after him and hid when the battle broke out."

"He hid during a fight? Yeah, this is Clayface alright. Where's my shotgun?"

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