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Fs:five whole chapters of this odd love between older and younger oh. We gonna need popcorn!
Bottom nap
The lunch room went into disarray, a war zone. Why?

All because the blonds got there underclassmen in bed. Moaning for them, or that's what it fells like why.

"So we're being shamed now because we fell inlove?" Sapnap said, "how stupid  and weak, and self-centered can one be"

"According them you're a whore because not long ago you wore all over sara!" Karl hissed.

"Don't call my boyfriend that' punz hissed slapping karl, "be quiet jackass".

"I was sitting there that whole relationship  riding there fake cocks! They gave me long ago." Sapnap adminted, "Sara wouldn't leave me the hell alone til I got annoyed  and caved"

"Now I see that  was the worst thing ever."

"So you are a player" Sara said crying nice and ugly.

"No?. It would be player if he stayed with you even when he relized he was gay as hell" Dream said pulling his baby close to protect him more. "Yall are despicable"

"No you are! You fucked ur underclassmen  when it's aginst the rules" quackity huffed.

He's another one in dreams and punzs grade.

"But shaming us for it?" Punz said, "we talked alot last night and well one thing led to another-"

"So pretty much you're pissy excuse is as the night grew later the less you could contorl you're dick?" Alec said.

"When I get drinking my dick does all my thinking." Dream joked, "we aren't makeing no excuses. We are simply saying we screwed the boy we loved"

Sapnap sighed and looked at them all, "Karl is no better 4 weeks ago he tried me in the damn bathroom"

"Was that the bruise on you're waist of a bite to deep?" Punz grumbled.

All sapnal did was nod.

"Now that's down right fucked and teniclly rape Karl." Punz growled picking up him by his neck and throwing him into the wall.

At this point Sara's friend susy came back with the Deen.

"It's those three punz godrinch and his friends underclassmen  who's breaking the rules" she called from the started pointing.

Punz and dream looked over.

"Luke godrinch. Clayton wastaken and Nicholas  armstrong office." The Deen command.

Dream picked up sapnap and carried him. Inside furry rages in the blonds.. sapnap shaking with fear.

"Never have I been in t-trouble before" sapnal whined in dreams neck.

"This is also ridiculous we love echother." Punz groned playing with  the ravens hair.

"What is this I hear about you three breaking the uperclassmen and underclassmen code?" The deen said, "hooking  up with the under or upperclassmen  is forbidden"

"We've been dating for months now" punz arugged, "we wore just watching a movie, and then he asked us how we found out we wore gay"

"So we of coruse helped him- then one thing led to the next and well horney played a big part" Dream siad.

They wore lieing yeah but they really didn't want there underclassmen to be regimen a new uperclassmen...

That. Boy. Is. There's.
Fs:damn yall prossive.

D:well the Denn may take sappy from us *being prossive*

P:witch isn't acceptable.

S:"its just a au you two!"


Though it may be, the blonds wanted it to be real, they want to protect sapnap with everything they could.

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