Chapter 23: An Old Accomplice

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AC: He is Nakul sir. He was my mentor. He had a great role in helping me reach where I am today. I had joined as a biotechnology student in Excellency College, Delhi. Nakul sir was the senior biotechnology professor there. I had got a different professor in the first year, but due to some reasons, he suddenly left the college, so Nakul sir was brought in to teach my batch as a replacement. (Nakul and Akshita smiled remembering the memories)

Natasha(shocked): what ?? He was your teacher ??

Akshita laughed seeing her flaggerbusted expression. She nodded...

AC: yes. I was inspired by his way of teaching and his great knowledge in this field. So, I started taking extra lectures from him. He had become my mentor and I, his favourite student. (Nakul chuckled). But, after four years, my college ended, and I had to go to a different place for further studies, so I had to reluctantly leave him behind. (Her smile became sad) Since then I had not heard from him. I was also not having his contact number. When I completed my further studies, I tried to find him. I went in the same college, but found that he had retired. I searched in every probable place but could not find him. Disappointed, I returned to my home in Delhi.

Natasha: then how did you managed to find him ??

AC: actually, it was not like me finding him, I found him like a miracle. (She smiled)

Natasha(eyebrows scrunched): meaning ??

AC: I am telling you. So, after that, years went by. I used to miss him a lot. I also used my contacts in police department to get some help in tracing but of no avail. Then, one year ago from now, one day I was walking in the markets of Mumbai where I saw him. Delighted, I immediately ran to him and greeted him. I continuously apologized to him for my actions. Although he was angry, but he forgave me, then we had happy teacher-student moments (all three of them smiled). Then, one day he took me to his house, where I saw a small laboratory.

Natasha(astonished): He had opened a laboratory in his house ??

AC: yes, and not only you, even I was also surprised like you when I came to know about it for the first time (she looked weirdly at Nakul and he laughed). He told me that although he got retired from college, but he was still interested in biotechnology, so he had just opened a small laboratory in his house for some experiments. He showed and introduced me to various new chemicals, formulas and instruments which I wasn't even aware of. I was impressed by him. Then a few days later, I was urgently called at our organization's HeadQuaters in Delhi. There, I was handed over the command of this stealth project. This project was to remain a top secret . No one except the officers of our organization should be knowing about this. I was given the full authority over this project to ensue its smooth execution. Now, I was searching for someone specialised who can develop this project. Then I thought of Nakul sir (Nakul smiled). Since this project involved biotechnology, so no one could understand it better than him. He was a specialist in this field in his time. So I contacted him. I told him all about about the project. At first he was hesitant, as the project was sensitive, but I convinced him....(interrupted)

Natasha: wait, you just told him all about this secret project, when he wasn't even a member of this organisation ??

AC: yes, because I had full faith in him and I trusted him. And this trust was not weak and fragile like the previous one (she smiled bitterly and her eyes became moist remembering that dark memory 9 years ago)

Natasha, who knew about that incident, felt guilty for triggering her...

Natasha: sorry mam, I didn't wish to make you sad. (bowing her head down)

Listening her, Akshita came out of her reverie and hastily wiped her tears. She lifted Natasha's chin up and said with a smile...

AC: I know Natasha that you didn't wish to hurt me, so there is no need to feel guilty for anything. Although that incident hurt me badly, but after that I got a new friend in you, who trust me and is loyal and has always tried to protect me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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