Chapter 22: The Facility

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Akshita's car was descending on a gently slanted path in total darkness. After few minutes, minor light rays became visible and slowly, the dark space was filled with bright artificial light. As Akshita's car finally reached at an even surface at bottom of the end of slanted path, a wide network of corridors came in view. There was a large and wide corridor in the middle, which was clubbed with numerous smaller corridors on each side. came in view. Many officers were walking here and there, some of them running, while some were talking. Many vehicles were also coming and going in the main corridor from one end to other. The place was brightly illuminated with artificial lights on walls and roofs. CCTVs were installed in every nook and corner of each of the corridors. Akshita drove her car to one of the minor corridors which opened up into a huge parking lot. Many vehicles along with special armoured trucks and special purpose vehicles were parked there. Akshita parked her car in one of the slots where an officer was waiting for her. As Akshita got off her car, the officer saluted and greeted her...

Officer: Greetings mam, I had messaged you about the project.

AC: yes Natasha, I know. So, tell me, how the project is going ??

Natasha: man the project is going in full swing. But we are encountering some major problems which might delay or completely stop the deployment of this project.

AC: what problems ??

Natasha: mam, I think it would be better if you see it for yourself when we reach the lab. The problem is grave. I can't tell it here.

AC(suspicious): but why ?? Until we reach there, you can tell me something about the project

Natasha: sorry mam, I am defying you, but I can't tell it here, it would be dangerous. (looking around to see if anyone is observing them)

Akshita followed her gaze and saw that some officers were occasionally gazing them, while hiding their faces. Akshita found their nature suspicious. So, she agreed with Natasha.

AC: ok then, tell me at my office

Natasha: sure mam...

Natasha and Akshita went to another minor corridor on the other side. All the officers in the way saluted and greeted her. She nodded with a small smile. But she was also observing their facial expressions. Some officers were looking suspicious to her. So she decided to check it out later. The corridor was having many rooms for different facilities. They kept on walking till they reached infront of a door painted in light brown with golden borders. There was small screen just besides the door showing blue light. Akshita pressed her thumbprint in the screen. The light turned to green, indicating that the thumbprint has been accepted, and the door slightly opened. Akshita pushed through the door, followed by Natasha. She switched on the lights. A large room came into view. There was a wall-sized screen inbuilt on the side wall while the other three walls were painted in white. The roof was also white. Her desk, with a built-in keyboard and smartscreen, was placed infront of the screen along with a leather chair. The room was also having a large couch on the opposite side. It was also having wardrobes filled with many official case files and Confidential documents. But unlike the corridors, which were under constant digital survillence, this room was not having any CCTVs. Akshita sat on the couch while Natasha kept standing. Akshita looked at her...

AC: please sit down, Natasha, there's no need to be this much formal to me, after all, we are friends, remember ??

Natasha: I know mam, but you are senior to me.

AC: I know Natasha, but we are at my office, there is no need to show so much formality while we are alone. Come, sit beside me. You can take it as a sincere request, or a strict order.