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"Stop doing that," Sunghoon groaned, dramatically flapping his hand in the air in a dismissing manner, looking at his soulmate with mock annoyance, "I'm trying to finish my work."

"Please, Hoonie," the younger man whined, still proceeding to stare at the raven with huge puppy eyes, "I won't disturb you! Promise!"

The taller simply ignored him, typing away on his computer as if Jaeyun wasn't laying starfish-style on his bed, leaving almost no room for Sunghoon's crossed legs.

"Please~" he whined once again, looking up at him with everything he had. He is fully aware of the control he had over his soulmate when he whipped out his adorably big puppy eyes.

"Jaeyun-ah," Sunghoon looked at him sternly, flashing his eyes red to showcase how serious he was being, yet trying to keep his voice not too harsh. He wants Jaeyun to stop disturbing him, not leave.

The brunette pouted more, turning over in the vampire's bed, his back fully turned to his soulmate as he sulked. If this was any other day, the raven would've dropped everything in his hands to turn the boy over and cuddle him, but he really had to finish this paper, it was a good amount of percentage on his final grade.

He seized the opportunity whilst Jaeyun sulked (and knowing the werewolf, he will probably fall asleep after five or so minutes). Sunghoon got back to writing, trying to finish up all the references and format them correctly before saving the draft on his desktop. It took him about half an hour to double-check everything and fix some grammatical mistakes his handy application had found, submitting the final project three days before the due date.

The vampire stretched, groaning a little bit when his body started to ache from the position he had been sitting in. Sunghoon had already heard Jaeyun snore long ago, meaning he had a few minutes to himself to simply exist before he had to wake up his soulmate.

The raven placed his laptop table down on the floor, rolling over the bed to circle his arms around Jaeyun's lithe waist and sigh in contentment, placing his face into his favourite spot - the back of Jaeyun's neck. He basked in the peace for a good minute or so before the werewolf remembered that he was in fact upset with him.

Jaeyun groaned, shoving the raven's arms away, not bothering to turn his body or more from his position.

"C'Mon, pup," the vampire exhaled tiredly, keeping his arms locked on the male, "let's cuddle, I'm tired."

He felt the younger toss and turn, trying his hardest to escape the seemingly-iron grip Sunghoon had on him, giving up relatively quickly and turning to face the male, face annoyed as he circled his arms around the vampire's neck.

"You're so mean," he mumbled, holding the male's head close, "all I wanted to do was hold your arm."

Sunghoon raised an eyebrow as if Jaeyun just said the biggest lie of the decade.

"Both of us know that's not true."

Jaeyun growled into the male's hair in mock intimidation, playfully slapping the raven's arm, "Yes, it is."

"Oh?" the raven detached himself, a teasing smile already plastered on like a mask, making Jaeyun groan because he already knows what was going to follow.

"I can literally see you baring your fangs," Sunghoon chuckled, gently placing a hand under Jaeyun's jaw, smiling when the male closed his mouth angrily, glaring up at him, "my little pup is teething."

"Why would you say it like that? " the brunette groaned, trying to shove the taller off him, "I am not some baby."

"Technically," Sunghoon held up an "on-the-contrary" finger, "the Head said your vampire form is finally coming out, meaning you are a baby. A baby vampire."

Jaeyun proceeded to kick him in the shin, whining about how he was in fact not teething like some baby. His incoming fangs just itch, and borderline hurt when he's not chewing on anything. The vampire had mentioned how chewing on something cold soothes the pain, but somehow Jaeyun's teeth didn't like it that much. Maybe it was his werewolf genes mixing in.

The brunette had found something else that eased his pain - Sunghoon's arms.

It sounds incredibly weird and at first, Jaeyun was so embarrassed to even admit such a thought to Sunghoon, but he physically couldn't stop himself anymore. The vampire had started to work out much more than usual, especially his arms.

The first time Jaeyun had seen his arms on full display was when he was lounging in Sunghoon's dorm room, aimlessly playing a game on his phone as he waited for Sunghoon to finally come back.

And when he did, Jaeyun physically felt his fangs itch. The raven had walked in with a sleeveless shirt and some gym shorts, completely oblivious to Jaeyun's wanderung eyes as he eyed the flesh with red eyes.

It didn't take long for Sunghoon to catch on, finding the brunette's attraction to his arms very pleasing. He worked hard for his body - and to have his soulmate gawk at him like that sent jolts of pride and giddiness through him. After that day, the vampire weirdly started going to the gym more and more (not that Jaeyun was complaining).

But that was also the day the werewolf realized that he could not go on without having a little nibble of the pale arms - they were just so inviting for his itching teeth.

"You're adorable," Sunghoon sighed, an adoring smile blooming on his lips as he watched Jaeyun finally look back at him, mouth slightly agape as he tongued at his small fangs. He looked like an actual puppy.

"Please," Jaeyun mumbled, reaching out for one of Sunghoon's sleeveless arms. That's another thing the raven had started doing more than he did before - wearing sleeveless T-Shirts. At first, Jaeyun assumes the temperature was just too hot for him, but then he remembered vampires don't even feel the temperature. Sunghoon had been wearing those shirts on purpose because he wanted Jaeyun to go crazy, apparently.

"C'Here," the raven mumbled, sitting both of them up, grabbing his laptop back, already having the 'Netflix' tab opened, knowing the two would be continuing the TV series they had started.

Jaeyun was quick to make himself comfortable, circling his arms around Sunghoon's right arm, not even bothering to loosen his grip as the vampire struggled to put on the subtitles.

And when three minutes in Sunghoon felt small little pointy teeth brushing his bicep, he didn't say anything, simply got himself in a better position to allow the werewolf to teeth.

The raven was fully aware of how painful the process could be, so he opted to keep his mouth shut for a bit as the brunette bit into him, sinking his teeth deeper into his skin, not fully breaking it, but it was enough for Sunghoon to feel slight pain. It was weirdly pleasing, actually.

Either way, the vampire would do anything to make Jaeyun comfortable and be able to take his pain, even if it meant for his arms to be absolutely abused by the smaller's fangs.

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