chapter two.

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The school was actually much bigger than what the website had offered in its "Images" section - it was very spacious and colourfully decorated, the hallways bright with most of the windows open due to the remaining heat summer had brought with it.

The two were taking their final leap on the tour, Jaehyuk talking about how much he adored wandering around the place, saying how there are secret tunnels and all sorts of pathways that one can find if they looked harder.

"I was once caught by the Head of the school and got detention for two weeks, they never really trusted me alone after that," Jaehyuk chuckled, sipping on the yoghurt drink the two had bought at the werewolf canteen.

They were walking in a weirdly spacious hallway, the walls a little too empty of any colour or furniture, the further end nearly a pitch black darkness from the closed curtains on the windows.

"Why is it so dark here?" Jaeyun asked, nervously sipping on his drink, a little hesitant in following Jaehyuk towards the further end of the hall, noticing a light dusting of what looked like electricity.

The Wall.

"I-I don't think we're allowed here," the male stopped fully in his tracks, Jaehyuk following his lead as the two observed the hallway.

"I always wanted to see what's behind that wall," Jaeyun looked back at the male with wide eyes, "it's always so dark, it seems incredibly lonely."

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, hairball?" the two jolted back, not because of the barrier, but because of the sudden voice that seemingly came out of thin air.

"Get lost, don't you two idiots see the fucking barrier? We don't want your wet fur anywhere near us."

Jaeyun felt Jaehyuk growl lowly, yet he didn't make any sort of move in attacking or leaving, simply glaring at the male student behind The Wall.

He had fair skin and dark hair, making him easily blend in with the background, and sharp fangs on full display in a way to intimidate the unwelcome guests.

"W-We were leaving," Jaeyun gently tugged on the other werewolf's arm, hoping that Jaehyuk gets the hint and they could just go back to the dorm room and do something else and not end up being some vampire's lunch.

"Get going then, dog, not like your weak ass could even pass the border," Jaeyun tried his hardest not to take it to heart, merely tugging more on Jaehyuk's sleeve as he backed them up from the connection.

"Zip it, you little mosquito," Jaehyuk fought back, making Jake sigh internally, he really doesn't want to have any more interaction with vampires, maybe his grandparents were right about them being lifeless assholes.

"Oh, how original, what's next? You're going to throw garlic at me?"

"If it means shutting your annoying ass up, then yeah, I will."

"Try me, you little furball, I bet you don't even have any brains in that dumb brute body of yours."

"That's rich coming from someone that can't even touch silver, how does it feel having to wear gloves when eating your sad little blood soup?"

"You motherfucker-"

"Park! What the hell are you doing?" another voice spoke up and Jake could cry from how much he wanted to leave the goddamn hallway. One vampire was already enough.

"Some dogs are trying to trespass," the vampire explained, pointing an accusing finger at the two.

"No, we're not! We were just looking," Jaeyun was quick to correct, not wanting the conflict to get more out of hand than it already has. He really didn't want to get expelled on his 1st day.

The other vampire didn't say anything, only looked at them with an intense gaze, his bright red eyes a little mesmerizing to Jaeyun. He was tall and well-built, skin as pale as a ghost's, hair blacker than black.

"Sunghoon-ah, they were about to try and cross the border! The students in that place get dumber and dumber each year!"

"Let's go, Jaehyuk Hyung," Jake pleaded whilst the vampires had a hushed conversation. Much to the taller's displeasure, he knew that Jaeyun was right so they backed away, turning around and exiting the hallway.

Before they fully left, Jake looked over his shoulder, feeling someone's eyes on him. He pretended that he didn't notice the pretty vampire's eyes on him as they walked away.

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