chapter twelve.

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"You didn't have to walk me," Jaeyun chuckled as both of them slowly made their way towards the specific hallway, hands interlocked as Sunghoon set a slow pace for their walk.

The vampire didn't reply, only tightened his hold as the view of the border came into view. He wouldn't call himself a very needy or attached person, but something about this night just left him wanting more.

"Sunghoon-ah, you-"

"Don't call me that," the taller glared down at the male, "call me 'Hoonie', it sounds better."

Jaeyun raised a teasing eyebrow at him, an equally teasing comment already forming on the tip of his tongue, but he swallowed it down, opting to simply smile and nod at the male as he let go of their hands, ready to cross.

"I'll call you," he whispered before waving the male off, yet Sunghoon looked terrified as he stood there frozen. Jaeyun furrowed his eyebrows, wondering if the male was just being very dramatic or what?

"Are you-"

"What the hell are you doing?"

Jaeyun froze, eyes widening as he stared at Sunghoon with fear. Oh, they fucked up.

The voice - Jaehyuk.

He quickly turned around and was met with a very angry and confused-looking Jaehyuk, "Hyung, I can-"

"How the fuck did you cross the border?" he growled, "and what the hell are you doing sneaking around with Park Sunghoon?"

"Zip it, mutt," Sunghoon growled behind Jaeyun and the brunette felt like he was at a fucking crossroads. Tonight was about to become the worst night of them all.

"Watch it, bloodsucker."

"Jaehyuk Hyung, please, let's go back, I'll explain-"

"Watch it," Jaehyuk growled at him, "I don't know what the hell you are, but you're clearly not a werewolf."

"I am!" Jaeyun quickly defended himself, a little hurt that Jaehyuk would even assume that. He can smell Jaeyun, he can see the clear werewolf characteristics, why on Luna would he even say that?

"Oh, so the all-mighty werewolf-anti Park Sunghoon is suddenly our number one fan because he's messing around with you?"

"Shut up," Sunghoon hissed, getting closer to the border, watching to punch the living shit out of the other werewolf.

"Y'know, I always assumed you would introduce me to your soulmate since you never bothered to block your changed scent," Jaehyuk growled, looking back at Jaeyun with bright green eyes, "I didn't even mention anything with you constantly leaving in the middle of the night."


"Does your soulmate know you're playing around with a fucking vampire? I thought you were a good person, Jaeyun, not some sleazy little-"

" Shut up, " Sunghoon yelled, trying to punch the male through the border, earning him a harsh zap and a pained arm.

"Oh, you're defending him?" Jaehyuk mockingly laughed, "What the fuck have I walked in on?"

"Please, Hyung, let's go, I'll explain," Jaeyun pleaded, looking through the barrier to check if Sunghoon's arm was alright.

"Jaeyun, what the hell do you think your soulmate is going to feel when they found out you're sneaking around with a fucking mosquito?!"


"I am his fucking soulmate, you dimwit dog. "

The room seemed to still after the vampire had hissed out those words, still holding onto his zapped arm in slight pain. Jaeyun reached out through the barrier, gently examining his hand, not caring how Jaehyuk was staring at him like a madman.

"You're what? " he gasped out, "Fuck kind of prank are you two playing."

"It's not a prank," Jaeyun mumbled, letting go of the taller man's arm and looking back at his friend, "he is my soulmate."

"Jaeyun, you're a werewolf. "

"Half, a-actually," he stuttered out, looking at the floor because he was terrified of the older man's reaction. Jaehyuk was the first person he had ever met and liked in the school, he would do anything to keep him.

"Does that mean the other half is," Jaehyuk mumbled out loud, looking back at Sunghoon who was still glaring at him like he wanted to cut all of his limbs off.

"Yeah, vampire," Jaeyun finished for him, looking at his friend with nervous eyes, "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you, the Head told us to keep it a secret."

There was another moment of silence, Jaeyun holding his breath as he waited for someone to say anything, the suspense was killing him.

"I think I might faint," Jaehyuk stares Jaeyun dead in the eyes, his tone neutral, "you're really not kidding, are you?"

Jaeyun shook his head, easily putting his arm through the wall, "T-That's why I can pass."

"Holy. Fuck."

The smaller werewolf chuckled awkwardly, retracting his arm back and staring at Sunghoon, "W-We'll get going, okay?"

The raven nodded, opening his arms as he glared at Jaehyuk. Jaeyun quickly passed through and wrapped his arms around the vampire's waist, giving him a hug before leaving.

"I'll talk to him, okay?" Sunghoon nodded in his hair and whispered 'be safe, call me later' before letting the two go, glaring daggers into the back of Jaehyuk's neck.


Talking to Jaehyuk was way easier than he had expected. That made it sound as if Jaeyun didn't trust the male and found him closed-minded, which wasn't the case! He simply knew of the male's hate towards the vampire kind which was enough to have Jake stumbling over his words because he liked one, he was bonded to one.

But Jaehyuk surprisingly took it well! He had allowed Jake to explain everything from A to Z as the two stayed up until the morning light, talking and trying to understand one another. His heart felt at ease talking to the male - having someone else to know his troubles and actually support him was something he really needed. Of course, he has Sunghoon, but it wasn't the same. Jaehyuk was a werewolf, he was a pure one at that. The two kinds hate each other yet the older was willing to put that aside and be there for Jake. He couldn't ask for more from a best friend.

Before the two decided to sleep into noon because it was Saturday, Jaeyun sent a quick text to the vampire, notifying him that everything was alright.

from: vampie 🧛

Okay 👍!

Romantic as ever, Jaeyun must say.

_HONEYCOMB LOVE. [jakehoon]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang