chapter three.

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As Jake woke up for his second day of school, he hoped it would be much better than the first. Not that it was all that terrible, it's just that he really didn't want to run into another vampire today, he'll just steer clear of that one specific hallway.

He got dressed in his favourite sweater vest and blue jeans, double-checking his bag if he had everything he needed - notebooks, a pencil case and a water bottle. With one last glance at the shared mirror the dorm provided, he was on his way, leaving a snoring Jaehyuk peacefully sleeping in their room.

The said male had helped him yesterday with his timetable, showing him all the rooms he'd be working in - today he had two lectures, both of which were "Introduction to Physics". It was quite exciting, he had already sent his mother a couple of pictures of the dorm room and his dinner, and now he added a cute little selfie whilst he waited by the door of the lecture hall with some other students. She didn't reply. but he saw that two green ticks, meaning she had at least seen them.

It looked like most of the hall was full of newbies, which eased his heart but also made him extremely nervous. If he wanted to make some friends, the time was now, but he was just so incredibly scared of fucking everything up that he simply kept to himself. He cursed Jaehyuk for being a year older, he really could've used at least one person he knew.

The teacher came running, apologizing for her tardiness as she unlocked the door with a flick of the wrist, making Jaeyun's eyes sparkle from the act. The magic truly was so impressive, even for a supernatural like himself.

He shuffled inside along with everyone else, walking to a random two-seater desk and placing his bag to his side, indicating that he wouldn't mind anyone sitting next to him.

Happily, someone did!

"Is this seat reserved?" she asked with a small smile, voice hushed as she pointed towards the chair. She was a very lovely-looking girl, hair bleach blond and long, eyes sparking with green hues.

"No, please, have a seat," he smiled back, gesturing for the girl to sit down, "My name is Jaeyun!"

She nodded in thanks, placing her white back on her lap as she took out a notebook and her cute Sanrio pencil case, "My name is Jiwon!"

"Nice to meet you," Jaeyun said happily, smiling big because he really liked the girl's presence, she felt very comforting in a way, something Jaeyun needed after one hell of a first day.

"Alright, students, welcome welcome! Hope everyone has not found orientation too difficult," the professor said, levitating the red marker close to the board, continuing her speech as she wrote down the date with her back turned to the board, seemingly having done this an abundance amount of times.

"Today we will start off simple," and it was safe to say that it wasn't simple.

Jaeyun was pretty good at learning and had spent quite a lot of time preparing for his studies because he was very aware that the education that he received in Australia wasn't even close to the things he'd be learning here. He really needs to try or else he'd be screwed.

Yet he was happy that Jiwon had offered to do most of the tasks together, the two found it doable when they put both of their heads together. They worked well and actually made a lot of progress on the trial sheet the professor had handed them out in a sort of "Test" to assess the common understanding of the course.

And soon the first lecture was over, the one hour and thirty minutes flying by for the last part because the two werewolves actually started understanding the topics.

"Okay, you have twenty minutes," the witch announced, disappearing in front of everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye earning a round of 'woahs' from the classroom.

"That's so cool," Jiwon said, turning to Jaeyun with wide eyes, her one dimple deepening as she smiled.

"Right?!" Jaeyun replied, happy that he wasn't the only one who was absolutely floored by the teachers' abilities.

"Do you want to come with me to get some water? They have a vending machine somewhere close to the hallway's entrance," Jiwon offered, getting up and grabbing her wallet out of her bag. Jaeyun nodded, getting up and tucking his phone in the back of his pocket.

"So where are you from?" Jiwon asked as the two exited the room, making their way towards where the girl said she saw the machine.

"I was born in Seoul, but I moved to Australia at a young age," he explained, putting his hands into the pockets of his blue jeans.

"Oh, that explains the slight accent," she teased, making Jake automatically self-conscious. Jiwon must've noticed because she was quick to add, "Not in a bad way! Luna, no, it's very cute. It's very impressive how good you already are!"

Jaeyun blushed but took the compliment, throwing the question right back at her as the two made mindless small talk whilst Jiwon got her water.

"I'm glad you sat down next to me, I was so scared I would not know anyone," he told the blonde as they were making their way back to the classroom, their break almost up.

"I'm glad too! I only know my roommate and that's about it, I was hoping to make some new friends when I join cheer!"

"Me too, oh my Luna!" he said, giggling alongside Jiwon, "You do cheer?"

"Yeah! Tryouts were yesterday and the captain said I did pretty well, so I'm hoping it goes well!"

"I'll be rooting for you, then!" Jiwon gushed at how nice the male was as they entered the classroom once again, the professor already there, writing something on the whiteboard whilst her hands were full with a cup of something and a physics book.

And sooner or later the class began again and Jake was actually overjoyed at how good this day has been so far - his studying efforts really paid off so when the classroom did a recap and an overview of the test, he followed along quite well, filling his notebook up with some add-ons and whatever the professor mentioned that seemed unheard of or important. He also met and befriended Jiwon (whom he found out also goes by the name Liz), so that was a huge bonus, the two even exchanged numbers after class.

He was making his way back to his dorm room, a small bounce in his step as the smile never seemed to leave. Today felt really good, he's just glad that he doesn't feel too overwhelmed or flustered anymore.

"Hey," Jaeyun's ears perked, his feet stopping in their place as he glanced around to see if anyone was calling for him. He was about to shrug it off and assume that whoever was calling for someone couldn't have been him because he knows two people, none of which sound like that.

"Are you deaf? I know you can hear me, you creatures have super hearing," Jaeyun furrowed his eyebrows and looked around in slight hurt. That was pretty rude.

"Turn your dumb head around."

Jaeyun's eyes hooded, a slight glare forming as he turned around to find the owner of his voice, but all the anger died down once he noticed that the only thing behind him was the dark vampire hallway Jaehyuk and he had stumbled into yesterday.

"I know you hear me," Jaeyun gulped, suddenly hating his super hearing.

"I'm giving you a warning, don't try to trespass, I'm letting you go with a warning this time, puppy boy, next time I'm reporting you to the Head."

Jaeyun was about to argue and walk towards the annoyingly smug-looking vampire and give him a piece of his mind when the male simply walked away, leaving Jaeyun at the end of the hallway with a bitter taste in his mouth.

_HONEYCOMB LOVE. [jakehoon]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon