"Daniel let me in downstairs and I know where your spare key is," I answered his questions before pouring the milk out, getting hit by a disgusting smell before I washed it away and threw the carton away. I throw the old things away and look in their freezer instead.

Luckily they have some frozen berries that will have to do. I put them in bowls of warm water to defrost them a little, and then I start frying eggs. I make some for Max and Pierre too, because I doubt they'll eat something if I don't, I think they might be too lazy and will just wait until it's lunchtime to eat something. I put the plate in front of Max, who's sitting there still looking confused. I had brought fruit that I planned Evie and I could have for later, but I think we need them sooner.

I slice up some banana, put some peanut butter on the slices because it makes it taste better. She gets half a grapefruit and I get the other half. I make a smoothie out of the berries, without milk or yogurt because they don't have any. Then I place the fried egg on her plate and wait for her to come downstairs. Max looks at it and then up at me.

"She gets all that? Unfair," He states as he shakes his head.

"Maybe go to the grocery store and buy something I can cook with and we'll see," I tell him as I sit down to eat my own breakfast.

Evie comes downstairs dressed in the clothes I took out for her and she looks at the plate I placed by the seat next to Max for her. She sits down, and then Pierre comes downstairs so I motion at his fried egg for him. At least it's something.

"Fancy," Pierre says before he sees Evie's plate and his jaw falls open. I raise my eyebrows at him, waiting for him to say something, but he silently sits down and eats his fried egg.

When we're done, I put the dishes away and I take Evie with me, ignoring her questions on where we're going until we get to the gym. She does not look too happy about our destination, but she doesn't object. We walk in and I get us both on the treadmill, we walk a bit and we run for a bit to warm up, and then I get her to do my entire leg workout.

"You don't do this everyday, do you?" She asked when we were halfway through the workout. I chuckled and told her no, because usually we only did two or three strength passes a week, because it helps your figure and to hold certain dance moves that are slower and need a strong hold and it has a lot of benefits to dancing.

"No, I go to the gym like three times a week," I shrug as I take her to the next exercise.

When we're done at the gym, we drink water and we take a walk to the dance studio. I haven't been there since I told Elliòtt I wasn't dancing with him. I booked one of the smaller studios for the whole day, because that's how long I plan to keep her thinking of something else. But first, we need to stretch and relax our muscles.

"I have an idea for a choreography, but I need you to help me fill in the blanks and things like that," I tell her as I get my phone out to put the song on. When I look up at her, she immediately looks more excited. She nods at me, holding back a smile as if I just asked her to help me save the world or something.

I put the song on, one I chose because you can really make a good jazz choreography to, maybe make it a commercial jazz kind of thing. I show her what I have so far, pointing out where I feel like I need something, and I ask her opinion on it when I'm done.

"C, I love it, I need you to teach me that right now," She says excitedly as I take a sip from my water bottle. I nod as I put it down on the table.

"So, we have two months to make the choreography, perfect it and get clothes ready," I inform her, making her face fall into confusion, which just makes me smile, "we have our first competition February ninth, so if we really get into this, I think we have a pretty strong chance."

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