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Chapter 2
'New type of boring'

WIPING SWEAT from his forehead, Henry placed down my last box of items. "There we go- you've got so much crap"

Blushing I lowered my gaze "thank you and yeah I know I'm an overpack kinda girl but least it's all done now" my breathing hitching from being out of breath. It was clear as day that I needed to improve my fitness levels.

"Shit!" Henry cursed as he looked at the time "we have like two minutes to get to English"

Widening my eyes I adjusted my backpack and followed suit; our legs hastily running towards our class. Just my luck, being late on my first day.

Once we settled into the class I saw the lecturer snap a disappointed glance towards us; but as they treated us like adults in university it meant it was our decision if we wanted to study or not; scolding wasn't something a lecturer tended to do.

"Right everyone most of you today are here because you want to pass your degree and perhaps excel your career opportunities. Most of you by now are accustomed to how I teach here which means eyes on me, no phones and most importantly write, write and write"

Sheepishly I fiddled with my ballpoint pen; my eyes flickering between the lecturer and Henry sat next to me.

Henry was kind, attractive and polite; not someone I had ever had the joy of knowing before. Everyone back home was egotistical assholes who imbedded 'smoking pot' into their personality's.

"Did you want to grab some lunch after this?" Henry whispered as he tapped my shoulder. Blinking a few times I snapped my head to turn to him. Another thing about this place was that everyone was so.. touchy.

"Sure, I don't know my way around london so it would be nice to get a bite to eat" I replied with a curt smile. I appreciated Henry wanting to engage with me and make me feel comfortable so I accepted his offer- even though that meant I would have to endure socialising some more.

I couldn't help but snap looks towards the handsome, muscly brunette next to me. My personality was far from the flirtatious type; in fact I had never even properly dated and was heavily classed as a geek. So for me to have the overwhelming urge to look at a man was burying me into unknown territory.

"Earth to Blair?" Henry interrupted my thoughts as he packed his books into his black rucksack. As he moved from his chair I noticed how a single curl of hair fell onto his forehead and his cheeks crinkled up into a familiar grin I had already become easily accustomed too.

Swallowing thickly I regained my composure and nodded my head; packing away my own belongings. One of them being my budget friendly windows laptop that was not cooperating with me throughout the lesson.

"You seemed to have dazed off for a second there. Was it that boring?"

I blinked my eyes and pressed my thumb to my temples "no- just feeling a little unwell" I lied. After-all I couldn't admit my eyes were burning holes through him the entire time.

Thankfully believing me Henry shoved his hands into his black jean pockets; his rucksack over one of his shoulders sluggishly. "Are you sure you want to get lunch if you're feeling poorly ?"

𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 | 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now