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Chapter One

THE FAMILIAR GLINT of silver on the bathroom floor made my stomach clench whilst my mind swarmed with the reminisce of pain I felt every time I picked up my best friend; my release.

Taking in heavy breaths my fingers gingerly grabbed the blade, the sharpness of the object being enhanced by the bathroom light. It wasn't always like this; I was at one point happy with my life and what a time that was; I still had innocence and hope.

That all changed when my father passed away leaving me in the hands of a drug addict version of my mother. My mother was someone who still cared deeply for me and my sister Coral, but she would get angry easily and was never sober. Her sober state also now a distant memory for us both, I missed my mother in every shape and form.

Shakily grabbing the edging of my t shirt sleeve I lifted it up to expose my canvas; purple and red hues covering my skin from old scars and fresh cuts; I was my own artist and I was in control of what pain I wanted to endure. It gave me a sense of peace and serenity.

Sucking in a breath I hovered the piece of silver above my wrist; knowing I would soon feel that familiar touch of relief. What a sick and twisted mind to have- to be excited to see blood flow down my arm.

Gliding the razor against my wrist I bit on my lower lip from the seething pain it created; the crimson beads effortlessly trickling downwards making a small ruby shaded puddle. The once white tiled floor now painted red.

"Hey- you're going to be late for your first day at university" my mother exclaimed outside the door with a knock.

Revelling in the sensation I was now surrounded in which put me into a daze I replied "one moment!" Making my mother groan.

I grabbed some tissue and began to dab at my fresh wounds; my tongue pressing between my teeth to ease some of the pain. Looking downwards I saw the mess I had made; it was rather horrific.

"Come on for fuck sake Blair" My mother hollered with a further bang to the door which shook the handle.

With shaky hands I began to wipe up the tiles with a cloth and some bleach I found in the bathroom cupboard; the smell was strong and engulfed my nostrils.

On my hands and knee's I scrubbed as hard as I could; the ruby 'paint' now becoming salmon coloured. "Blair Hollows!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs like a maniac.

I had now finished cleaning up the mess, the now stained cloth buried in my jean pocket so I could dispose of it later. Opening the door I felt the daggers in my direction which was my mother pressed against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Took you long enough.." she grumbled distastefully "it's your big day and you should appreciate what I have sacrificed for you to get here. Don't just fuck it up"

Scoffing I pushed past her but as I did she grabbed my wrist making me inwardly whimper and bite my inner cheek. "I was talking to you Blair Hollows"

"Yes, whatever. Mum just let me go" I demanded, my wrist wiggling in her grip which only added to the burning sensation.

"Every last pence has gone into you getting your degree. Blood, sweat and tears have been for you to be successful" Mother snapped, her eyes darkening. "Just for you to treat me so.. coldly"

𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 | 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now