Wunderkind Cheerleader

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An hour later, everyone was gathered in the principal’s office while waiting for her to arrive. Nancy was holding Erinna, who was crying her eyes out. George had a black eye, and Oscar had a bloody nose, though the other two boys looked much worse.

The door was slammed open, and Mrs. Mackenzie walked into the office with anger in her steps. She couldn’t believe something like this. Thinking those boys assaulted a grade 5 girl in her school was unacceptable. “Lara, did you call the police?” Mrs. Mackenzie sternly uttered.

“No, ma’am. We didn’t want to call the police until you arrived,” the secretary immediately answered. Lara had never seen Mrs. Mackenzie this angry before. The woman was always calm and never shouted. But now, she was terrifying.
“I am here. Call the police right now,” Mrs. Mackenzie yelled as her secretary rushed to call the police. Mrs. Mackenzie walked to her desk and sat down. She looked at George, Oscar, and the other two boys. It was admirable to think that a couple of grade 10 boys could take on a pair of grade 12 boys and leave them in such a miserable state.
“You are not serious about calling the cops, are you?” one of the boys said. The grade 12 boy had two black eyes, and it seemed he had lost teeth. The boy could only punch George once while George had beaten him to a pulp. Oscar was not that different. While he didn’t look as muscular as George, his friend couldn’t do much against him.

“Damn right, I am serious, Mr. Herman. If I were you, I would think about what story you will tell the police when they arrive,” Mrs. Mackenzie replied.

“But he attacked me,” the boy accused, pointing to George.
“And you were in the middle of assaulting his little sister. I would be grateful that Mr. Houston didn’t break your neck,” Mrs. Mackenzie replied, shocking everyone. No one had seen this aggressive attitude from her before. 
A moment later, Maddison knocked on the door and entered the office, rushing to Erinna. She held her niece in a tight hug. “Are you ok?” Maddison asked before shooting the two boys a death glare.

“No worries, Ms. Houston, those boys didn’t get the chance to harm Erinna. We called the police, but I don’t think they need Miss Houston. As for Mister Houston and Mister Morris, I will make sure the police don’t question them without the approval of their parents. You should take Miss Collins with you as well. Please take Ms. Houston to the school counselor,” Mrs. Mackenzie instructed.
Erinna sat in the school counselor’s office, waiting for the counselor to arrive. Erinna turned her head as the door opened.

Ms. Taylor, the counselor, entered the office holding a delicious-looking coffee cake and some orange juice on a tray. Erinna’s stomach growled, making her blush. She realized that she had never had the chance to have lunch due to what had happened.

“Sorry, I had to go get the cake my fiancé sent me,” Ms. Taylor explained, taking a seat across from Erinna. “Would you like to take a piece?” Ms. Taylor suggested seeing Erinna nodding.

Ms. Taylor sliced the cake and placed it on a plate, along with a fork, in front of Erinna. “Would you like a glass of orange juice too, dear?”

“Yes, please, ma’am. Thank you for the cake"
“My pleasure, dear, enjoy,” replied Ms. Taylor.

It didn’t take Erinna any time before digging in. The cake was delicious, maybe not as good as the one her mommy makes, but it was divine. She did her best to eat as a well-mannered young lady, just like Heather had taught her.

“So, do you mind if I call you Erinna, or is there a name you would like me to call you by?”  Ms. Taylor asked, handing Erinna a napkin.

Erinna wiped her mouth from any remaining crumbs left. “You can call me Rin, ma’am,” Erinna answered with a smile crossing her leg and getting comfortable in her seat. As an apology, the school had replaced her torn tights and pinafore dress. She was glad that neither her blouse nor her blazer was affected when those creeps assaulted her.
“Rin, huh? That’s a cute name,” Ms. Taylor commented. “Would you mind telling me who gave you that name?” Ms. Taylor inquired. Her purpose was to start a conversation with Erinna and put her at ease.

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