Information about T.S.S.

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Hello guys, Lajien is here.
As you might have guessed Transexual syndrome. AKA (T.S.S) is not fully my creation it just came after reading many stories about diseases and disorders that affect gender.

Any writer who would like to write about (T.S.S) please go ahed but send me the story because I would definitely like to read it.

I will be providing you some information about the disorder so you can write about it whenever you want.

1) T.S.S can go two ways, a child can be born a male and become a female due to the disorder and vise versa.

2) The T.S.S has severe psychological effects. It can be depression and can drive the person to suicide.

3) Because of its severe psychological effects the governments around the world declared harsh laws to protect children with T.S.S.
E.g. Calling a T.S.S child, a freak is a crime punished by law. It can be a very big fine that can reach up to 50,000$. The person may be even sent to be charged with child abuse because of it. A verbal abuse using the gender of the child will lead to being fired from the job and punished by the law.

3) The gene responsible for the T.S.S is called S. The percentage of the S gene determines the urgency of the case.
If the percentage is 50 or less the child will go through a program to help him live and deal with his new gender. If it's higher than 50 by 1 percent it's called excessive and the child must start living as the other gender immediately.

4) T.S.S girls are mostly mistaken for girls before birth.

5) The change starts the moment the child is born.

6) Sometimes the mental transformation happens before the physical transformation. Mostly the child could be mistaken for a transgender.

7) T.S.S children tend to be more developed than others. Girls being more prettier and guys being more handsome.

8) T.S.S will have a side effect on the child.
Weak immunity, weak body, or being underweight.

9) T.S.S girls are mostly mistaken to girls in the womb. Although it couldn't be explained yet, moms will mostly feel like their T.S.S child doesn't belong to the male gender.

10) T.S.S boys are mostly more muscular than normal boys. They develop a slightly feminine face and devolved facial hair all the time.

11) Most of the T.S.S children showed a high level of intelligence and mental capability although research showed no relationship between the T.S.S and the level of intelligence.

12) Sometimes children with T.S.S can fall into a deep coma which may take from three weeks to two or three months.

13) T.S.S changed the whole body including the chromosomes. Researchers still don't know how it happens.

14) T.S.S girls resemble their mothers more than their fathers. T.S.S boys are the complete opposite.

15) The transformation ends and will leave the body stronger with better immunity.

16) The complete transformation mostly happens before the age of 14.

17) No T.S.S cases were reported beyond the age of 15.

Hope you guys like it. Have fun.
Lajien. ✌

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