Halloween chapter part 2

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Chapter 2

The next day was typical for Erinna, just like any other, except when Heather picked her from the school, they didn't go straight home. Oliver had left with Carol, which was weird since they usually went home together, whether in Heather's or Carol's car.

Instead of going straight home, they went to the mall. Seeing the confusion in Erinna's face, Heather decided to explain.

"Joshua said he has something special for you, and he wants you to see it," Heather explained.

Walking through the mall took a great deal of effort from Erinna and Heather to walk straight to the shoe shop and not go into every store they walked by. Joshua welcomed them as they entered the store. He still liked to look uniquely different with short hair, but now, however, it was a short pixie cut.

"Hi, Joshua," Erinna greeted with a smile.

"Hi Princess, it's nice to see you again," Joshua said, and as he turned around on his 4-inch heels, he walked to one of the shelves and took out a box. Opening the box, he removed a pair of black thigh-high platform boots with 4-inch block heels. Two red dragons decorated on one side of the boots, while on the other side, Erinna recognized the name on it and written in big red letters was Ruby.

They were identical to the boots she had designed for her Avatar in the game.

"When your mom told me about it, I had to do it. I created these boots myself, and I hope you like them," Joshua exclaimed enthusiastically. He was happy to be working on shoes for a special young lady such as Erinna, so instead of getting black boots from stock and decorating them, Joshua decided to create these new boots from scratch for Erinna.

"Hold on. Did you make those? In two weeks? Honey, you didn't have to go that far," Heather commented. Heather was happy that Joshua was giving special care to Erinna. Still, she only asked him to decorate a pair of boots so they could go with Erinna's costume. Erinna was at a loss for words. Although she was beginning to understand the whole picture, she was amazed and unable to say anything.

"Nonsense, Mrs. Huston, I enjoyed working on those boots, knowing who will be wearing them," Joshua said, turning to Erinna. "Now, please take off your shoes and try these on. I need to know if they are perfect or not," Joshua instructed.

Following Joshua's instructions, Erinna took off her shoes and took the pair of boots, pulling them on. The boots had a long zipper down the back, which made them very easy to put on. They were a perfect fit and felt very lightweight and warm inside. She could tell that Joshua had paid a lot of attention to details when making the boots.

Walking out of the mall with a single shopping bag felt weird for both Erinna and Heather, but they didn't have any time to waste. The event Erinna will be going to will be starting in two hours, and she needs to be ready by then. By now, Erinna could see the whole picture even if Heather didn't tell her everything. She was looking forward to how her costume will look. She was sure the outfit wasn't that hard to find, but replicas for Ruby's weapons may be impossible to get.

At home, Heather took Erinna to her room and started to run her a bubble bath. Having a bubble bath was not something she usually did in the middle of the week, and it consumed a lot of time.

"I will prepare your costume while you take your bath," Heather said, and Erinna nodded.

Erinna started to remove her school uniform and folded it neatly. She then took off her bra, tights, and panties before placing them in the laundry basket. Outside Heather started to layout Erinna's costume on the bed. It was not that easy to get, but it was worth it. She didn't know how her daughter could be this creative, but she liked how fashionable it was.

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