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Jeff was walking inside the house behind the front door. He kept walking back and force nervously. He had finished the call with Heather more than an hour ago, she had told him the news. He was scared worried, his son is now his daughter, Jeff was worried about what will this change bring.

He finally had his baby girl and couldn't just lose her. Being her dad, he had to protect her shielding her was his job. Jeff vowed to show his baby girl all the love and care in the world so he won't lose her.

"Dad calm down you're making me nervous," George said with a sigh walking to his dad. He was in their home gym working out like every day when his dad told him the news. The weight he was carrying almost fell down if Jeff didn't interfere fast saving his son from being injured.

"You don't understand, Ryan used to look up to you the most from all the people," Jeff said rubbing the back of his neck in frustration. It was his habit when he gets nervous. This time he was not nervous he was freaking out. "He.... I mean she wanted to be like you, this will not happen I should have known she always looked just like your mother, I am sure she will grow to look more like her."

George was surprised hearing this, as a big brother George wanted to be an example so his brother will look up to him. He didn't know he had left that impression on his little brother or rather now his sister. This meant he was a successful bug brother which he was happy about it. But he felt disappointed, it's not like he won't like his younger sibling because she's a girl now, it's because he didn't know how to support her. He wanted to help his little sister but he didn't know how. He was very disappointed in himself.

George was occupied with thinking of a way to help his sister, that's when an idea struck him. "I have to tell Nancy, she can help," George said turning to get his phone from his room.

"Hold on son, what will Nancy do, besides, you can't just tell anyone," Jeff said worriedly. He knows his son is only trying to help but he doesn't think it's a good idea to tell Nancy. She was like a sister to his daughter if her treatment changed in any way his daughter won't be able to handle it.

"Dad you don't understand, Nancy used to be a boy," George said before running up the stairs leaving his dad in shock. Jeff couldn't believe it such a pretty girl used to be a boy? He was giving his son advice to go and ask her out just before he got the call from Heather.

Upstairs in his room, George quickly retrieved his phone. He then texted Nancy telling her all the details. If someone can help his sister, he was sure it would be Nancy. Nancy received the massage from Georg, it took her a moment to read and get it all. Once she had read the massage however she texted back immediately. <I am coming.>

Nancy always saw Ryan as her little brother, she definitely wanted to be there for him. George then waited for Nancy to come. Maybe she could show him a way to help his sister. God, he hated this, his sister was suffering and he couldn't do anything to help her, he didn't like this at all.

A couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door. George ran to the door. Behind the door were Nancy and Oliver. George had seen Oliver but he didn't realize him. He could only see Nancy. "Hi, Nancy, Oliver," he greeted, stepping aside to let her in.

"Thanks, where is Ryan?" Nancy asked stepping into the house with Oliver. Nancy went through the same problem as Ryan, it was three years ago before she moved in here. Her name used to be Nathan Thompson Collins, now she's far away from the boy she used to be. Now she's Nancy Kayli Collins and was ready to remove the last remaining part of her as a boy in a couple of months.

"He...'s not here yet, she's out with mom," George informed them. He was having a hard time changing his words he was used to having a little brother and he never used the word she before. "They're supposed to be on their way now." George closed the door behind them before taking Nancy's coat from here.

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