Ch.14. First encounter

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Heather and Carol walked out of the store with six shopping bags, all of them full of shoes only. Joshua smiled at them as they walked out of the store and turned to do his job. It was then that Carol finally realized his feminine waist and hips, which was different from Carol's first judgment. She was even more confused right now, and she was sure that she had seen a bra through his blouse.

He was curvy in a way a male shouldn't be. Also, his voice seemed to be soft and clear; she was curious about Joshua right now. "So, what's the story behind Joshua, I mean his face and body don't say he's a male at all, but still, with the short hair and Adam's apple, I must say he confused me a bit," Carol explained as they both headed to the van.

Heather shook her head and let out a sigh, remembering the case where she had represented Joshua. It was painful; Joshua could barely walk at that time.

"It's a long story, Carol, and I will tell you about it later.  Joshua has a female body due to an unlawful gender reassignment surgery conducted on him two years ago.  He's just slowly feminizing gradually," Heather explained to Carol, who looked a bit apologetic for her question.

She liked the way Joshua dressed. She knew that Oliver would never want to wear anything like that, and he was more than happy to stay away from any feminine clothes. It was outrageous and unethical that someone had forcibly changed another person's gender. She knew that Heather must have won the case, and she was glad it was Heather since she had never seen her lose.  As a prosecutor or a defense attorney, Heather had never lost a case.
They walked to the van and put the bags with all the other bags.

"We did get her a lot of new clothes," Carol commented as they closed the back doors of the van.

"Yes, she still needs more clothes, however," Heather commented with a smirk.
Carol just shook her head and smiled.

"The movie should be over by now; let's go join the kids in the food court."
Carol nodded in agreement. Both of them walked to the food court.
Everyone came out of the theatre excitedly; they all liked the movie. Erinna had consumed two cans of juice since she wasn't allowed to drink soda. Both her and Dakota were not allowed to drink soda which their coaches decided. Knowing that Erinna was not allowed to drink soda, Oliver decided to get juice as well. Out of habit, Erinna had finished her juice almost immediately and only had popcorn. Oliver, who made sure to take his seat next to Erinna, realized that and handed Erinna his juice.

Now, Erinna was regretting not going to the bathroom during the break before the movie resumed. She urgently had to go to the restroom. After informing Nancy, Erinna dashed to the lady's room. She stopped in front of the bathrooms, almost entered the men's restroom by mistake, and Erinna entered the lady's room with a sigh. The last time she was in a lady's room was when she was four.

Entering the lady's room, Erinna was nervous, and she could hear the sound of two women inside. She was expecting to receive the same look she had received in the men's restroom. Erinna pushed the door and entered the lady's room, and there stood two ladies fixing their makeup. They briefly looked at her when she entered but then turned back to what they were doing.
Erinna walked to one of the empty stalls and pulled her tights and panties down. She pulled her skirt up as she didn't have the time to unbutton it and lower it down.  Erinna then sat down to finish her business.

Once she finished, Erinna walked out of the stall to see a teen girl fixing her makeup. Erinna let her mind wander for a moment and imagined herself in the teen girl's place fixing her makeup. She immediately shook her head, dismissing the idea. With a sigh, she walked to the sink and washed her hands before drying them.

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