Ch. 3

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Ryan walked through the hallway heading directly to where coach Damien was. Seeing that Ryan was making a great job, the school decided to make an office just for coach Damien.

Reaching the coach's office, Ryan started knocking on the door. "Come in," the sound of coach Damien came from behind the door.

Opening the door Ryan saw coach Damien, a well-built, 6'5" man in his early thirties, sitting at his desk.

"Ryan, just in time, I was about to call for you, my boy," coach Damien said opening a drawer where he keeps Ryan's favorite chocolate.

Coach Damien was someone who coached the best swimmers. Swimmers who had the potential to join the Olympic Team. When the school offered him a job, he was going to refuse their offer immediately. He, however, was interested, why would a school offer him all this money to supervise and train a single student.

He was glad that he decided to take a look. Seeing Ryan swimming he told himself he was going to take that boy to the Olympics no matter what.

"Your parents will be picking you up in two hours, so we will need to get started with today's training immediately," coach Damien said throwing a chocolate bar to Ryan who caught it.

Even though he's Ryan's private coach, Ryan still trains with the swimming team too. If it was up to coach Damien, he would rather take Ryan to his sports complex. There Ryan can be trained better and join a better team. The kids on the swimming team were not the problem. No, that was their coach.

Coach Vince was responsible for the swimming team and he always got on coach Damien's nerves. Seeing him wasting the kids' potentials, especially Ryan, he can't hold it when he sees someone wasting Ryan's gifts.

"Will there be team training today?" Ryan asked not really looking forward to any confrontation between coach Vince and Coach Damien. They really don't get along well at all.

"Fortunately, not today. The lazy ass of a coach didn't come today; besides we need you more in the Individual Races. Now hurry up, your parents want you before your brother's match," coach Damien said leading Ryan out of his office.

He led Ryan to the locker room that was connected to the pool. "Alright, change quickly so we can get started," coach Damien said before walking to the pool.

It didn't take Ryan a lot of time to start changing. At first, he took out his uniform folding it neatly before putting it in his locker. He then pulled his swim trunks, goggles, and head cape; he took his underwear off before pulling his swimming trunks on. Ryan then pulled his head cape on and walked out of the locker room with the goggles in his hand.

Walking out of the locker room Ryan could see that the girls were still training. He could also see that coach Damien and coach Monica, who's responsible for the girls' team, were having a nice conversation with each other.

He wondered what were they talking about when he approached them.

"Why don't you start warming up then we will start the training for today?" coach Damien suggested as Ryan approached.

"Yes, sir," Ryan replied before starting to warm up.

The moment Ryan walked away coach Monica turned to coach Damien. "So, as I was saying I am going to enjoy taking Ryan away from Vince, once the results come out, I would love to see his face," coach Monica said with a smirk. It was a known fact that she never liked coach, Vince. He doesn't see his job, always lazy, add to it he's a womanizer who tries to flitter with every woman he sees even moms.

"You know that results will not come out until after Christmas, and let's assume he tested positive you're not trying to fight me over Ryan, are you? You can't win that you know?" Coach Damien said teasingly. While they hadn't told anyone yet, both of them had started to date and are planning their marriage already. Talking casually with her was normal.

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