Petticoated, CPS visit.

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Heather made her way to Alex’s school with Erinna in the backseat. Margaret and Maddison followed them in Maddison’s car. Alex’s school was about a forty-minute drive from their home, but it was in the other direction from George’s and Erinna’s school.

The four left the cars after arriving in front of the school and parking. Making their way inside the school and heading directly to the principal’s office, Heather knocked on the door, then opened it.

Alex was sitting in front of the principal’s desk. She looked to be a woman in her late to mid-thirties. The principal wore a grey suit and had brown eyes and dark black hair. She had this evil smile as Alex sat in front of her, blushing profusely.

Heather’s blood started to boil from anger once she saw Alex. He was wearing his white polo shirt, but instead of his slacks and dress shoes, Alex was wearing a mid-length skirt with white tights and black Maryjanes. It was clear he was not enjoying this. That’s what made Heather angry.

After starting the video app on her phone, Heather immediately handed it to Erinna. With a sigh, Erinna began recording.

“You must be Mrs. Houston. Please have a seat,” the principal said, pointing to a seat in front of her desk.

Heather took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. She looked at the principal’s nameplate on the desk. “Ms. Wilkinson, where’s Alex’s uniform? He doesn’t look comfortable wearing a skirt,” Heather informed the principal, taking a seat in front of Alex. She could tell that Alex was not happy with these clothes. She wasn’t going to allow anyone to humiliate her children.

“This is now his uniform, Mrs. Houston. Alex has been a bad boy starting a fight and using violence. As a punishment, he should be petticoated. Isn’t that right, Alex?” 

“Y-yes, ma’am,” Alex replied with a red face as tears started to form in his eyes. He usually wouldn’t get into fights and never started one, but it was all because the boy insulted his father. He couldn’t take it.

“Let me ask you a straight question, why was there a fight in the first place? I assume you would know what caused my grandson to hit the boy in the first place,” Margaret interfered, making her presence known. She had such a strong and imposing presence that the principal looked shaken.

“The other boy had a black eye and a bloody nose. The reason doesn’t matter. I stopped this toxic masculinity before it grew. Boys should learn to behave and how to be gentle and delicate; otherwise, they will grow to be abusive,” the principal explained. She looked at the faces of the three imposing women. They didn’t look convinced.

Heather glared at the principal before turning to Alex. She held his hand in hers before wiping a tear from his eye. “Alex, honey, why don’t you tell us what happened?” Heather asked, completely ignoring the principal.

“You shouldn’t let him make...” the principal started but was quickly cut off by a glare from Heather.

“I am talking to my son, so kindly shut up,” Heather said, causing the principal to fall silent. She felt as if Heather was going to burn her with her glares.

“Freddy kept insulting my dad and taunting me even when I asked him to stop, I told the teachers more than once, but they didn’t do anything. We were in the lunch room when Freddy came over and said the world is better off now that my dad is dead,” Alex explained before breaking down.

“That’s just an excuse. It’s toxic masculinity, and...”

“Look here, I don’t care if someone filled your head with all this nonsense about toxic masculinity, but I will not accept people like you trying to ruin my children’s heads. The last thing I want is for my daughter to grow up and be like you,” Heather spat angrily, losing her temper. She was disgusted by this woman, and she certainly wouldn’t forgive her for her actions. “You can believe in whatever ideology you have, but you should have thought carefully before trying to force it on my 11-year-old son. You and the likes of you are disgraces to womanhood, so why don’t you leave this position to someone more capable and go home and stay alone with your cats for the rest of your life.”

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