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She is looking like a queen as she is my queen .

I am purely obsessed with her like a mad .

Suddenly I saw a gentle man or I can say my enime Wong yu was grabbing her waist and dancing with her.

She is so innocent and childish that's why I love her but I got very jealous.

Lisa's pov
I was dancing with Wong yu he is my best friend and i also knew that he loves me but still was very comfortable with him because he knew if he will convence our friendship will no more.

Suddenly I closed my eyes and he twisted me I was. Taking a round and he left my hand and suddenly my hands were in a manly and strong hands when he grab my waist and pull me as close that I can feel his breath and his manly chest and body can  touch my body. He was V .

His dark deep black eyes  in which anybody can fall for , anybody was me too I also love him but I was scared that if I will convence and he will get hurt and broke our friendship soo . Because I can't live without him.

He was lookin in me deeply ...and said ........

V: are you dating him huh??
Lisa: No for ofc not!!
V: why were you two close huh??
Lisa: We are just friends and I don't have any partner that's why I was dancing with him.
V: Ohh you need a partner?? ( With that he pulls me more close to him as his nose can touch my nose or seems we are about to kiss so I put my head down wards)
Lisa: uhh-huh no I didn't mean that ( I pushed him back by my hands to his chest)
Leave me sooyaa unnie is calling me ( it was a lie)
And I ran away .....

V: run princes run I will catch you and caged in my arms for forever for my lifelong cause you are my life , lifeline and everything darling.......

Let's see how it takes the bad boy and the good bad girls love story.

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