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Note: the next three parts will also a separate couple one as this is namsoo

Namjoon' s pov
I was just admiring the beauti of Yosoo as she was looking a beautiful as hell in this red dresse she was just standing in front of me  but a very far Many boys like me has crush on her and now also looking her but the difference is I love her from my heart and soul and I have also seen in her eyes. The love for me .

Suddenly she took a step towards me  I was just shocked and was standing numb.

She camed closer and hand me a champion and Herself was having a glasse of juice , with smile she said HELLO joonie.

Namjoon : Hey Pikachu ( name given by Namjoon to Yosoo as they know each other for a long time and also worked together in many kdramas and movies.)
Yosoo: How r you?
Namjoon: Not fine? ( He stared at her and said this in his own world in which he can only see her.)
Yosoo: hmm! (She asked in shock)
Namjoon: I mean I am very much of fine .
Yosoo : ohk then enjoy the party see you soon.
Namjoon: Hmm ofc

Yosoo's pov
I just want to ran away from him I went to him because I don't know why he was stareing at me and smiled it gives me  butterflies in my stomach. I love him but I am scared what if he don't loves me or he will use me soo I am only excepting true love for me and my life I am soo soft to handle breakups and all thats why I didn't date any one till now plus I only love Namjoon. Ohhh God why I am getting this butterflies again.
How would I will spent these 365 days with him in same room ohh God save me..

Namjoon's pov
Ohh noo did she felt awkward because of me that I was stareing  her but what would I do I can't control my self .
It's gonna be hard to live with her in same room or in a same house.
I will propose her soon but what if she rejects me so.
These thoughts are just fuck . Ohh God save me........

Both of them love each other but have fear to be rejected by each other ...............

Sky Got That True LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora