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Codie lays flat on her bed, sprawled out like a starfish as she makes a low groaning noise in the back of her throat, trying to make sense of her thoughts.

'So maybe I like the boys...or love? But-but maybe I just like the things they do? Like how Sun can make me laugh anytime anywhere...or how Moon helps me fall asleep, running his fingers through my hair...' Codie scrunches her nose.

'Or maybe that's just who they are! Affectionate. They'd have to be for being such good caretakers! But then I think about how they help with all my problems without wanting anything in return.'

Codie throws her arms into the air in frustration. 'Think about the things that you don't like! Like-like how Sun's stupid adorable smile makes me smile... Or Moon and his adorable tiny specks of freckles on his crescent side of his face.'

She groans again. "Ugh, I can't even think of stuff I don't like about them... Actually, the only thing that sucked was their overbearing nature, but even then! We communicated and they stopped being so anal about it!"

'Why do they have to be so perfect?! But what does this mean for me? It's not like they return my feelings. They would have told me if they did...right?' The ginger's face sours as she thinks back on Halloween night.

'And then Moon could like Chrissy...I mean, what the heck was all that about!? Chrissy should have told me she liked him...' Should she tell Chrissy about her feelings? Maybe not, because what if Chrissy really did like him? Codie wouldn't want to ruin her friendship with either of them.

'But Sun doesn't appear to like anyone like that. Maybe he isn't interested in the dating scene?' Codie rolls her eyes at herself. 'To be fair, I didn't think I was interested in the dating scene...'

'But...I like both of them...and if Chrissy likes Moon...I wouldn't want to date just Sun, I love them both evenly and...wait-is it even allowed to date more than one person??' Codie sits up at the realization. Maybe she's getting too far ahead of herself! Maybe dating more than one person is taboo, or-or illegal!

She quickly hops out of bed and boots up her computer. Her thighs stick to the cold leather of her computer chair but she ignores it, instead frantically clicking her left mouse button to wake it up faster.

When it comes online, she boots up her web browser and quickly types in: 'Can you date more than one person?' The immediate results take her by surprise. She reads each little answer in the drop down section before coming across a word- Polyamory.

She begins searching for that word, finding out what it means. "Huh..." Codie leans back in her chair. "So it has a word..." She frowns, continuing her research to clear her mind.


Later in the day, Codie busies herself with work, thoughts still running wild but she's able to work swiftly regardless, making and sending out drinks without thinking about it. Shen works beside her, eyeing her periodically and wondering if he should speak up.

He decides he probably should now that the rush of customers they served are all done with. "Hey, Codie?" he tries.

"Hmm?" she hums, turning around to face the lanky boy.

He wrings his hands together on a rag, drying them and asking, "You doing okay? You've been awfully silent. I even said something about a new hero on Overwatch but I don't think you heard me."

Codie tilts her head and looks away sheepishly. "Ah, yeah sorry I've been a bit...spaced out. Just a lot on my mind I suppose." She gives him an awkward laugh so as to not worry him. This is one person she can't exactly tell her problems to as it'd only make things between them rough.

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