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"So, those two clowns know what a period is now..." Vanessa talks to Codie through her phone.

"Pfft," Codie stifles a bubble of laughter.

Vanessa scoffs, "Ugh! Just don't say I didn't do anything for you!" After a couple seconds, she laughs as well, the absurdity of what she just told two daycare attendants coming back to her.

"Anyway, don't let them bother you too much. Caring is just in their programming but they border on overbearing a lot. I haven't seen them this happy in a long time, though..." Vanessa frowns. 'Not since before the virus...' she sighs sadly, rubbing the bridge of her nose for a moment before taking a breath to continue.

Codie beats her to it, though, not noticing her change of tone, "Yeah, I get it. Sort of... I'm actually getting ready to go in for a job interview here soon and I just know they'll have a fit about me straining myself. Like- I know not to push myself, I'm still recovering but it's just an interview!"

Vanessa lets the girl rant, Thor knows she needs this. When she finishes, the blonde speaks up, reassuring the ginger. "Yeah, don't let them push you around. They mean well, of course, but just tell 'em like it is, they'll understand." Codie nods to herself, Vanessa's right!

"Thanks, V...er Vanessa, sorry, do you have any nicknames you prefer? Like V? Or Ness, Or Vann-"

"Ness!" Codie flinches from the shout. "Ness is good! I like Ness, yeah. Call me that... ha, or Vanessa, whichever!"

"Ohhhkaaay... I'll talk to you later, bye." The girl hangs up, wondering what the heck that was about but not dwelling for too long. She grabs her things and exits the room. Sun and Moon hang out in their bedroom, Moon reading while Sun plays with Moon's 3DS. The two came home yesterday to apologize but noticed Codie's door shut with the lights off.

They figured they'd leave her be and talk to her in the morning and, not wanting to disturb her, Sun hung out in the room all morning instead of making a ruckus. The two hear her door open and they stop what they're doing. "Oh, oh! Sunbite's up! Come on, Moonie!"

Moon's eyes look up to Sun's. "Sun, she's not exactly a 'morning person', don't bum rush her." He looks back down to the page he's on. Sun pouts, looking down to the piece of paper he was holding.

Last night, he stayed up making Codie an 'I'm Sorry' drawing. He was pretty proud of it, too, making a realistic portrait of the redhead. He doesn't draw like that often, preferring the childish art style he enjoyed with the kids more, but he figured Codie would appreciate this style more.

After not hearing a reply, Moon glances back up and his neutral face turns to concern. "Aw, no Sun, I didn't mean it like that. You know she'll love your drawing. I just meant...don't swamp her. Like how you would with the children when the daycare opened."

His brother has a point. Sun would get so excited for those first few months the daycare was open. He would unintentionally scare the kids with his enthusiasm and even hugged a kid too tight. He winces at the memory. But he's right, give the girl some time to wake up and then show her his masterpiece!

"I'm headed out!" They hear her voice call out from the living room. The solar and lunar bot freeze for a moment before scrambling to get up. Codie just about gets the door open when two hulking animatronics step over each other trying to get out of the narrow doorway.

'I shouldn't have even said anything...' Codie deadpans, her mouth in a straight line. 'Don't laugh... Don't laugh...' The scene they're making is so funny, she can't help but snort.

"Sunbeam!" Sun shouts, stopping himself from falling forward, his arms pinwheeling to balance himself. "Um, h-hey! Where are you, uh, whatcha up to?'

Codie's eyebrow quirks. 'Man, looking up periods must have messed them up...' She hopes this isn't a permanent thing. This is why she couldn't tell them! They must be grossed out by her if they're acting this awkward. Even Moon looks uncertain.

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