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The apartment is quiet as each occupant does their own thing in their respective rooms.

Codie is on her computer, Moon is reading a book on his bed, and Sun is playing with Simmy and Tally on the bedroom floor.

Though, he did lose sight of Simmy a minute ago...where could he have gone?

"EEEEEEEEK!" At the shrill scream, Sun and Moon immediately look at each other. Not with concern, but more with curiosity.

The two are used to Codie shrieking and squealing sometimes when she plays her computer games, so they learned not to worry when they hear them.

Moon shuffles his book, opening his mouth to get ready to speak, when Codie cries out again, this time, furious.

"SUUUUUUUUN!!" The jesters are shocked by the amount of anger laced in it.

Moon huffs, "What did you do?" accusingly. Sun stands up straight, grabbing Tally while still glancing around worriedly for his missing Bess Beetle.

"No-nothing! Promise!" Sun stutters, holding his free hand up.

Moon shrugs and goes back to his book, disinterested in helping his brother. "Well it was certainly something. Better go find out..." Sun pouts at the lack of support and puts Simmy away.

He fidgets with his hands at the thought of what he could have possibly done to be the subject of Codie's wrath. He nervously enters Codie's room. She's up and standing on her bed, fear and anger gleaming in her eyes.

He glances around, confused, when she huffs. She wants to yell. She wants to insult, not at him but in general, she wants to accuse, but when she looks at his anxious and guilt ridden face, she can't find it in herself to do so anymore.

He doesn't even know why he's guilty and yet he's worried about why he's angered her...and for that, she calms down, but only a little bit. There is still a beetle roaming around her room.

With a deep breath and release, Codie calmly tells the bot, "Your-your beetle. It's in here and scared the living daylights out of me."

"O-oh! Oh no! I'm sososososo sorry, Sunflower!" Immediately, Sun bends down and starts searching for his missing pet, scanning his eyes all around. "I was watching them skitter on the ground in my room and I had only looked away for a moment, I promise!"

The ginger closes her eyes and flops back into her bed, her pillow and blanket getting disrupted from the fall. "It's fine, please just find him." Her voice comes out shakier than she would have liked but imagine yourself in her place?

She was playing her games on the computer when she felt something run over her bare foot. She didn't pay any mind to it but when it happened a second and third time, she looked down and squealed. The beetle had been tickling her toes the whole time and she had flipped out at seeing it.

"There you are, Simmy!" Sun abruptly calls out. Codie peers over the bed to see Sunny scoop up his beloved bug. Seeing the beetle causes the girl's heart to race again as he rolls over with a whine.

"Get him out of heeeeere..." The bot flinches, embarrassed at having baby-talked the beetle in front of Codie as she's desperate to get it out of her room.

"Right! So-sorry, Sunbite! I'll go put him up!" He skitters out of the room, hurriedly placing him back into his home alongside his companion and then pointedly ignoring Moon's smirk as he returns to Codie's room.

He takes a seat next to her body, frowning down at her. She's still rolled over, seemingly asleep but Sunny can see that she's awake. Noticing the weight, she turns over and blinks her eyes open. "Hmm?" she hums tiredly. Being frightened sure tires one out!

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