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It's a stormy night when Codie saunters down the aisle of a grocery store. The rain pelts the roof hard, giving the ginger a sense of calm. She's always loved storms and their serene atmosphere. With a basket hanging from her elbow, she stops and turns at the frozen food selection. She puts a hand to her chin in thought.

The hairs on the back of her neck suddenly stand and a shiver goes through her spine. Confused, she looks around the aisle, empty of anything but her and one other guy down at the other end. She goes back to picking out a frozen meal, deciding on a fettuccine bowl.

Codie pops a couple of them into her basket and carries on to the next aisle. When she turns down it, however, she notices the man from the previous aisle turning down it, too, immediately going to inspect the nearest items. Odd. No need to raise any alarms, though.

She slowly continues down the row of food, no longer paying attention to it and subtly keeping an eye on the man. She takes note of one of his hands never leaving his sweatshirt pocket. Codie darts into the next aisle and sighs in relief when she sees another person shopping.

Alarms start to raise, however, when that same man follows her. 3rd time in a row cannot be a coincidence. Thoughts going through her head at a mile a minute, Codie nervously sticks near the other shopper, waiting for the strange man to maybe leave on his own.

She thinks about maybe pretending to know the other shopper, but can't summon up the courage to do so. Maybe she should just leave the store? It's dark and she parked fairly close enough to get to her car, but would the man follow her out? Codie settles with moving to the front doors.

She breathes in deeply, trying to stop the nervous tick in her neck. At hearing the footsteps behind her, Codie starts to hyperventilate, making a sharp turn away from the doors and back into the store. Looks like the stranger is following her and will follow her out.

Feeling in danger now, Codie shakily pulls out her phone, scrolling down the contacts until she reaches 'M' and quickly pressing the first name, Mom.

It rings a couple times before it picks up and before anyone can speak, Codie does. "Hey, mom? I'm at the store.. I think I'm being followed and I'm really scared. I don't want to leave and he-he hasn't taken his hand out of his sweatshirt." Panicking, Codie fists her shirt, "Wh-what if he has a knife or something!?" she shouts into the phone in a whisper.

It's silent on the other end and Codie worries the call dropped for a moment before a voice speaks. "Codie, do not move. I'll be right there." A beep indicates the call ending. Moving the phone from her ear, Codie is frozen in place. She called Moon, not Mom. He sounded serious and mad.

Thankfully, Codie knows she shouldn't have to wait too long for Moon to arrive, as the grocery store is only a few minutes away from home. Picking up her basket she sat down earlier, the ginger slowly walks to the only open check-stand. She makes a show out of going slow, probably annoying the cashier but she can't be bothered by it right now.

She anxiously awaits for Moon as she can see the stranger lingering nearby.


Moon shoves his phone into his pocket and flings himself off the couch, startling his brother who was right next to him. "Moon? What happened?" Sun follows suit, noticing the glare on his counterpart's face.

"Get the keys. It's Codie, I'll explain on the way." Sun nods, grabbing the car keys and following his brother out the door. They get into their convertible, Sun driving, and Moon tells him to head to the store Codie went to this evening. "She called in a panic. Said someone was following her and she was afraid he had a weapon. She didn't want to risk trying to get to her car."

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