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Codie wakes up in her bed. This time, she knows she was last on the couch. She flushes in embarrassment when she deduces Moon carried her to bed. She rubs her eyes, cringing at the crusty skin. 'I guess that Moondrop really helped after all... Well, after a whole hour...' Though it wasn't too bad. Her melatonin could take up to 2 to take effect.

The ginger yawns, still feeling the drowsiness from the sleepless nights. Codie goes to get dressed. Today, the young adult decided to visit her parents. She hasn't seen them since she moved out and figured it would be nice to surprise them for lunch.

She waves goodbye to the surprisingly awake Moon and hugs a way too excited at this time Sun. "Friend! We wanted to discuss some things with you!"

"Could it wait, Sun-Bun? I'm going to visit my parents." Sun blushes at the nickname.

"O-oh! Sure thing!" Codie thanks him and takes her leave. Sun turns around. "A-and what are you staring at?!" he turns to Moon, the lunar bot donning a smirk.


Sun pouts and marches off with a huff.

~~Time Skip~~

Codie couldn't stop thinking of her blunder this morning as she makes her way to her parents house. 'Sun-Bun? SUN-BUN? What the heck was I thinking? Oh wait, I wasn't thinking and that came out. I'm such an embarrassment...'

She shoves her thoughts into the back of her mind as she parks. The ginger happily greets her parents and goes inside. "So how are your new roommates, sweetie?" Mom asks as she prepares sandwiches.

"They're...really awesome, Mom. Sun and Moon are both really nice and if you look past their height and mechanical aspects, they're practically human! You wouldn't be able to tell the difference. They're amazing and special." Codie smiles, her mind wandering.

Her mom smiles down at her, placing a plate with her sandwich in front of her. "I'm glad, honey."

"Oh!" Codie flushes at being caught daydreaming. "I'm here cause' I've been having trouble sleeping but I've never had this problem before and I wanted your guys' advice on how to help or fix it."

"Hmm, I may have an idea... Dear!" Codie's mom calls her husband into the kitchen. The man joins them and sits down with them, eagerly chomping into his meal. "Honey, do you remember when Codie would go to sleepovers?"

Dad swallows and looks at his daughter, "Mm! Yeah, we'd always have to pick you up because you'd refuse to sleep. Complaining about tummy aches, and being scared. The doctor said it was separation anxiety but we figured you'd grow out of it." Codie gapes. She doesn't remember any of that!

She panics, "But, this is happening every night now! How do I fix it!?"

Mom smiles sadly. "Well the anxiety medicine certainly helps but...this is just something you have to get used to. Living on your own, you know, without us. It's only been a few days, I'm sure it'll get better."

"Yeah! And I'm sure your roommates could help you through it if you just explain..." Dad pipes in but Codie cuts him off.

"Dad, Sun goes to bed early and...I already bothered Moon two out of the three nights we've been there and I really don't want to be a burden..."

Before his wife can pipe in, Codie's dad points his finger in the air. "Ah but I've done some research!" Codie rolls her eyes and hides a small smile, 'Of course he did.' "The Nighttime Daycare Attendant was designed to help and care for the children for naptime. Putting them to sleep and keeping them safe. He also doubled as a security bot for after hours at the Pizza Plex!" Dad finishes, sounding very proud of himself.

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