Chapter 21:

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|Chapter 21|

|Chapter 21|

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Now a flower appeared in Adam's hand.

It was an Echinacea.

A medicinal plant, which was a symbol of power.

Like the other things before, he dropped it into the bowl.

Caroline held her breath tensely, but when the flower came into contact with the liquid in the bowl, nothing happened.

Confused,  Caroline wanted to open her mouth, but before she could do so, the man  thrusted his right hand into Adam's chest and ripped out his heart.


Blood poured out of the hole in Adam's chest and pooled under his body. He let out a staccato cough, blood dripping from his mouth.

Blood stained his entire torso and if you looked closely you could see his internal organs. How his ribs were broken and pushed, how his lungs desperately tried to suck in oxygen.

Elena watched in horror as her brother bled to death before her eyes. She put her hands over her mouth and her eyes were wide open. Seeing this made her stomach rumble and she had to fight to keep from throwing up. But she wasn't the only one watching in horror. They were all stunned.

Bonnie had a look of horror on her face. Was this the end of Adam? Were the things Grahams warned her about all for nothing?

She couldn't describe it, but something was wrong. Although she couldn't feel her magic, she had a bad feeling. She felt anxiety building up inside her. Something was happening.

That's when she saw it.


Kol placed the heart in his hand in the bowl and the heart sank into the liquid until it was no longer visible. Suddenly, the previously extinguished torches lit up.

An icy wind blew across the clearing. The temperature dropped and mist began to seep into the clearing. Even though there were torches all around, they could all see their icy breath.

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