Chapter 37

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I listened keenly as he relayed what had transpired in the hours he was away. His voice was steady and level but his skin was hot with anger.

He had an inkling that his parents had betrayed his trust, and had lied to him his entire life.

As I cut away his hair that he had been growing since birth, it felt sort of symbolic in a sense. An involuntary hum sounded from my throat causing him to pause in question.

"Is there something the matter?" He asked.

Another hum.

"It feels as if I'm trimming away your past, who you once were-" I paused.

I couldn't formulate my thoughts how I wanted to, I couldn't explain to him exactly how I felt in the moment and that was borderline frustrating.

He reached up and stopped the scissors with his hand, grasping mine and gently prying them away then guiding me to stand in front of him.

"I understand" he stated, hands on my hips and staring deep in my eyes.

And I knew, I knew he spoke the truth.

"There is a new layer of my soul that was only unlocked when I found you, like an untapped energy source." he pulled me closer, never breaking eye contact, humming in satisfaction.

"And I can't help but think that's why they tried to keep you away" his face because tense and I knew without doubt that his anger though controlled was brewing.

Fiery and hot.

The thought made me angry as well, but I had to stay calm for the sake of us both.

"I knew. From the very moment I brushed past you in the airport"

That made me pause and he chuckled.

"I'm a King Genesis, Fate wouldn't allow me not to recognize you. I believe that if all my senses failed me, I could still identify you in a sea of ten thousand" he pulled me in for a kiss and I blushed.

I remembered how foolish I had been to have masked my scent, deluding myself that I hadn't wanted a mate. Even then, his voice called to me. Molten lava, that's how I remember it.

"You didn't approach me, may I ask why My King?" I ran my fingers across his eyebrows, curious.

"You already signaled a chase with that masking agent of yours my love. There's nothing I love more." He smirked and I hummed.

"Plus, I had unfinished business to take care of and you were heading to my territory anyways, you couldn't run even if you wanted to"

Rolling my eyes, I freed myself from his embrace and reaching for the clippers to continue my task.

"Can't it wait?" A pout on his lips that caused butterflies.

"Not if you want us to get married tomorrow, I have my dress to make after this"

His interest piqued at my relation. "Ah yes, you're a designer. Would you mind if I accompany you down to the store, where I assume you'll be working?"

His genuine interest in what I do and the sparkly in his eyes made my heart race and my stomach flip.

My wolf purred at the thought of our male genuinely wanting to spend time with us while we did what we love.

I could feel my cheeks hurting from my too wide smile, but with his back to me he mistook my silence for rejection.

"I won't impose" he stated blankly.

A tone I noticed he took on when his true emotions are being concealed. He executed it perfectly, so perfect that if it wasn't for the slight drop of his shoulders I would have thought he really didn't care.

"Don't be ridiculous, Ofcourse you can come." He must of heard the smile in my voice because he turned to me with one of his own.

"I haven't been there in a while, and I have yet to have my grand opening" my voice came out in a murmur.

"I'm guessing that's because of me" he mused, turning back around in his seat.

"Well we'll just have to fix that, won't we?"

We walked hand in hand through his territory, and the lingering eyes that followed us danced along my skin.

His wolves knew that their King had been claimed regardless of the fact that we both were missing a mark.

I looked up at him, his now short hair cut in a fade with light curls at the top. He looked even more delicious.

My mind wandered to how exactly I would make the dress, though he reassured me that we would have an official wedding where I'd be able to make my dream dress, I still wanted this one to be special.

I felt a tap on my wrist and turned my eyes up to him in question.

"Is this too much for you?" He asked his voice barely taking on an edge of concern.

He's an Alpha, a King, and I know without doubt that he had to do what he felt best to protect his people. And me.

"If it was too much would it matter? Nothing would change." I replied.

"I suppose not" we continued walking in silence after that.

I mulled over the predicament that we were in, allowing myself to escape defense mode for just a second, and feel.

I felt pressured, yes. But not an ounce of regret was felt, I'd do this for him, for us, for our people, one hundred times over.

I was almost lost in thought when his voice rang again.

"Nothing would change" he stated matter-a-factly.

"However, whenever things get too much for you to carry, I'll always be here to carry both your burdens and mine"


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year My loves🫶🏽

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