Chapter 6

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I had to physically restrain my self from smacking my forehead as a result of second hand embarrassment.

Despite, the rowdy nature of Michael's question I couldn't help the tiny smile that made its way on my face.

The lady looked taken aback by his forwardness and it took her a minute to shake her shock.

Clearing her throat she spoke, "His Royal Highness does not generally stay in this mansion but he does have a wing for the extremely rare occasions he decides to stay. As for his sexual preferences, I believe that is personal. Any other relevant questions?"

Michael rolled his eyes at her obvious jab at emphasizing the word relevant, grumbling under his breath about being always stuck with uptight people.

"Firstly, we didn't get you name. Secondly, how long does the induction process last?"

She nodded in acknowledgment of my questions before beginning to answer, "My name is Danesha, some persons call me Dani for short. The induction usually takes place over the course of 2 months with strict protocols and training some overseen by the King himself"

The thought of the King watching me train or even training me himself was a bit appealing. As I said, he is an Alpha Male after all, and I'm not going to act as if a dominant male doesn't appeal to my nature.

"What does the induction process include?" Michael voice broke my chain of thoughts.

"Well, they tend to change it up from time to time. We don't get transfers from fully grown wolves regularly so I'm not sure of how different the process will be. But I do know that the induction will always test not only your physical strength but also your mental among other skill sets such as problem solving. At the end of it all, you'll receive your rank"

She made a show of her hand where her own bronze tattoo was, I could see the pride in her eyes at this. I began going over everything she had said and I couldn't help but wonder just how this induction process will go.

"Can you tell us a bit about the tattoo, and your rank system?" The look on Danesha's face showed that she was happy that he had asked a sensible question.

I zoned out as she basically began explaining again what Joel, the boy in the woods, had already told me. I wondered how he was? And if he'd be opposed to training sessions from me? I had after all trained my little brothers, and their prestige shouldn't be overlooked.

"The ranks are Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Black Red and blue, in that order. The King is the only wolf that has the diamond rank, and the only wolf born with a rank."

That caught my attention, successfully pulling me from my reverie as my curiosity spiked.

"Platinum ranked wolves are usually from specific bloodlines, 5 to be exact. In a way they were also born into their ranks, Nobles. There are 7 Nobles presently, which if you are versed in your Wolf history you should already know."

She didn't say it in a judgmental way, more matter factly than anything else so I didn't take offense and by the looks of it neither did Michael.

"Unfortunately, we weren't grown in a pack so some of the more intricate details might have missed us"

She acknowledged the response without hesitation and began explaining about the five noble bloodlines of the werewolf species. Once again I zoned out, not really up for a history lesson but instead thinking about how my business will have to be placed on pause for a minimum of two months.

"There are 7 nobles that currently sits on the King's high council. Sir Zekiel and Heza from the Nightshade line, Sir Ezra and Tenzen from the Astred line, Sir Mica from the Obelia line, Sir Alexavier from the Osiris line and finally Madam Adira from the Valentino line."

"Wow" Michael breathed and I had to agree. Wow indeed.

"Madam Adira, is the only female that has sit on the council in over a century. She's also the only female in the pack that has a Platinum rank. Females peak rank are usually silver, with a few warriors venturing into Gold. Therefore she is quite revered."

So a princess in her own right. Adira, her name left a sickly sweet feeling in my thoughts.

"The platinum rank has different levels, and represent the strength of the bloodline. Nightshade being the strongest of the nobles, Valentino being the least strong. Therefore if you're to get a glimpse of the nobles you'd realize that Sirs Zekiel and Heza rank marks will be different than Madam Adira's"

My brain swirled with all the information Danesha gave, and I knew I'd be up pondering about it for awhile tonight just to get it all sorted out in my brain. It was a lot to digest, but I figured that the quicker I adjusted to their customs would be the quicker I get to return to my daily life.

"This has been a lot. And when I say a lot, I really do mean ALOT to take in. Can we at-least get some food in our systems? I'm starving" Michael said.

Without further ado she lead us in a direction that I assumed to be some form of kitchen, judging from the scent.

Curious eyes of wolves trailed us, as they gently sniffed the air no doubt familiarizing themselves with our scents. They realized we were new to their packs as we now carried the underlying scent they all have in common.

Danesha led us to a section of the mansion that resembled a large cafeteria.

"The three main meals are served here. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner everyday excepting the first Sunday of every month as I told you before. They also run a tight schedule for meals everyday."

As she spoke she lead us to gather our trays and make our way to the buffet line.

"Everyone usually eats here, if you opt not to there is a more private kitchen and dining on the west wing on the second floor. Hardly used, always stocked"

I nodded, looking over all the food options they had and piling my plate with slices of ham and chicken.

"You're filling up on the wrong type of meat Love" Michael whispered in my ear.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics, "You fill up on the other type just enough for the both of us."

I watched in amusement as Danesha hid a smile while filling her plate.

Just as we were going to find a place to sit and have our well deserved lunch, wolves began to stream into the room.

"This can't be good" Michael whispered.

"No it can't be, remain calm and under no circumstances should I smell anything but confidence emanating from you" I whispered back.

Just as he fixed his posture preparing for what's to come, I could feel the projection of dominance letting me know that everyone wanted the unranked newcomers to feel their prestige.

A snarl followed by a loud shout solidified that there was no way on the moon that this would be good.



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Alpha King Amirजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें