Chapter 29

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The room erupted in cheers that a winner had finally been declared. But little did they know how greatly the eruption in their King's soul differed.

He could hear her faint heartbeat and that was the only thing keeping him sane and in control.

Every one felt it before they even turned in his direction. Their Alpha was projecting, forcing everyone in to submission.

Whimpers and whines were the only thing heard as they all looked on in confusion.

This had never happened, a spar was suppose to be a spar. Someone always lost, what was the issue now?

The King didn't say a word.

He walked over to the girl, and picked her up. He looked crumpled, a low growl left his chest as he assessed the back of her head.

Everyone looked on, shocked.

The King left, but no one dared to moved.


"Ugh" I groaned at the soreness in the back of my head.

"She got me good" I chuckled a little but stopped almost immediately as pain exploded in my head and back.


"Stop talking and moving" he commanded. His voice was like pain killers to my head.

I turned my head and there he was standing as rigid as ever in the left corner of what seems to be my hospital room.

His jaw ticked, revealing how hard he was clenching it and his nostrils were slightly flared.

He was pissed.

"Stop brooding" I complained, "you're making the room feel so small."

He did stop and he clearly wasn't amused.

I opened my mouth to say something yet again but he shot a glare in my direction and held his hand up.

A signal for me to shut up.

Against my will, a whimper slipped from my throat. Fully aware that he has never regarded me with such strong negative emotions.

I didn't like it, and it infuriated me to no end.

"Do you take joy in seeing me like this Genesis?" His voice was low and threatening. He had never spoken to me in such a way, and I was nothing short of conflicted on how to react.

The weight of the air suddenly felt like a tonne of bricks, there was something deadly about the way he regarded me and I didn't like it.

"Answer me. Now" his voice could have easily been mistaken as one that was calm, if it were not for the jaggedness of the edges that seem as it could slice your throat.

How do I tell him I had no idea what he was talking about without angering him any further?

As stubborn as I am, I had no desire to make him angrier. Quite the opposite really, I wanted to soothe the lines that were forming in his forehead because of his anger.

I wanted to gently pry open his clench fist and massage away the tension in his jaw.

Instead of answering him, I said something completely different.

"Can I touch you" his eyes softened for a split second before becoming hard once again. None the less he stalked towards me and stooped so I could reach him.

I ran my hands through his hair, over his face and down his arms. It calmed me, it soothed me.

He was my medicine.

"Why do I feel this way about you?" I asked curiously.

He ripped his body away from me as if I had burnt him. His eyes looked at me with something close to hatred that pierced my heart with a painful twist.

"You're out of touch with your wolf Genesis." He commented.

But he was wrong, she and I were quite fine. I shifted quite fine, I felt her quite fine, we were fine.

"She doesn't even recognize me" he glared at me, his voice laced with venom.

"She does, you are her Alpha. She knows that and respects that. What are you talking about" my annoyance at his outbursts were evident.

How dare he.

"Submit to your true nature Genesis. Stop masking your scent, stop tampering with who you are." He growled at me.

"You're making a big deal out of nothing, honestly" I wanted to scream, my emotions were running high as a result of his frustration and anger. It not only confused me but scared me.

"Not that big of a deal?" He laughed. A dry humourless laugh.

"That's exactly what I said!" I fired back.

"Stop wearing that awful masking agent, it doesn't mask shit and those gloves won't save you from shit either" he stormed towards the door.

"I won't force you to accept your nature. If you want to live your life out as a half bred, so be it" he scowled.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Why are you getting so worked up over this?"

With his back turned he whispered,

"you didn't have to watch your soulmate's heart being restarted because she's out of touch with who she is"

And with that he left.

And that's when it hit me.

I pulled my hands out of the wretched gloves, and the tears wouldn't stop falling.



Life has been kicking me so badly but
I'm here <3

Lots of love to everyone who has been voting and commenting, it encourages me more than you know it.

@katie484858 made me write this in 20 minutes after that comment.

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