Chapter 17

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"Apologize" his voice boomed, daring someone to disobey his command.

How foolish I had been to pick an argument with his Queen.

His Queen.

The thought turned my mind sour, and bitterness crept up my spine. The title sounded wrong attached to her and for some reason it angered me.

I took a calming breath, coming to the realization that I've been awfully giddy headed since the King arrived, acting way out of character.

My eyes darted from Adira to Armani, she had a smirk lingering on her lips and smugness in her eyes.

The joy she felt and the expense of my pending embarrassment couldn't be hidden.

I swallowed. Hard.

The weight of my pride lodged in my throat made it difficult to speak. Why was I refusing to acknowledge this woman as what she apparently was.

On the outside I kept my usual mask of indifference, calm and collected but on the inside a variety of emotions clashed.




It felt like a lifetime, however it was barely 30 seconds.

The King rounded the car and repeated himself. This time, I heard the danger in his voice, a promise of a great punishment if his command wasn't followed.

The beast in us all submitted to our Alpha, but for me it was something more.

His power, like tendrils, licked at my spine then grabbed me in a harsh caress.

I gasped.

"That's the power of your King, now follow his command" Adira's voice was a harsh whisper and the fright that she tried to hide was evident.

She had misinterpreted my reaction for being afraid when in reality I felt anything but that.

I felt the air sizzle as the power grasped me tighter, leaving prickly heat on my skin.

That's literally just sweat.

My mind mocked me, I didn't argue because the King did make me hot.

Cringe and desperate get it together Genesis.

The strength of his voice saved me from the onslaught of my mind.

"Silence. Do not speak unless it is your apology." All three of us realized at the exact same time that the command wasn't for me but for her.

The shock we all felt was evident and the silence that followed was short lived.

"Will you allow your King to repeat himself for the third time Madam Adira?" Armani asked feigning innocence.

I love this kid, but I couldn't shake my confusion. I looked over at the female in the front and her face was clouded in the same confusion mixed with hatred.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes in annoyance, this had the pungent scent of  drama waiting to happen.

"As a noble and the soon to be-" she began but was quickly stopped by a raised hand.

"Don't test me Adira." He growled.

I wasn't sure what had been wrong with how she began her apology but there seems to be deeper issues at play here that only they knew about.

"I apologize your highness" she said with a slight bow of her head before turning back to me.

"And to you also. As someone so high up on the hierarchy, I should have been more cordial and made you feel more welcomed to the territory."

She finished her speech with a tight smile turning back in her seat while Armani simple snorted.

"I accept your apology Lady Adira, I too must also extend my apologies not only to you but to my King."

My King

The unintentional ownership that I had placed on Him, caused my beast to purr in delight.

Neither of us had showed interest in a male to this extent since I vowed not to be exploited by love.

I adjusted the fresh pair of gloves over my fingers, remembering the first time I had decided to wear them.

My father had told me that the soul mate bond is a weakness, an unnecessary connection that exploits you emotionally.

I watched daily the ways in which my father manipulated the love my mother had for him, and decided then and there that I did not want that for myself.

He had told me that regular wolves recognize their soulmates by the joining of hands.

Like it is written in the stars by the moon which we serve, the lines of palm align to determine fate. A fate that withstands the test of time, a fate through which souls intertwine.

I've been wearing gloves ever since.

I tried convincing myself that I had no desire to pursue the King, his power piqued my interest and that was all.

But I felt it, deep down, I wanted him to claim me as his.

An unattainable desire that scared me.

"Hello" Armani said snapping his fingers to get my attention.

"What is it?" I asked adjusting in my seat.

"I was saying, you're such a diplomat. You should've heard yourself" he laughed mocking my apology that I said to My King and Adira.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't remember using words like diplomat when I was your age" I said nudging him.

"I'm a Prince Genesis. I am more learnt than those of my age as I am expected to be. I have a strict lesson plan that ensures my education is fit for royalty. Not much work for them seeing I am basically a genius" he turned in his seat to face me.

"And charming. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Why yes Prince Armani sir, you are quite dashing"

And this we both burst into fits of laughter, just the two of us.

"That British accent was ass" he breathed and just as quickly covered his mouth with both hands as I shot him a glare.

"Language, I may have to rinse your mouth out with bleach."

Armani had quickly become like a little brother and I began missing my brothers and their antics.

"Threatening the Prince on the first day? Our King doesn't take lightly to threats" Adira hissed.

"No one addressed you Adira, speak when you're spoken to." Armani fired back.

"And if you haven't noticed, everyone in here is sick of you including Our King. In fact, especially him."

After his little rant she burned with embarrassment, looking to the King to come to her defense.

He said nothing.

I looked between the pair, noticing for the first time that they seemed less of a couple. She shrunk in her seat, curled up against the door.

And I felt bad for her.

"That was rude" I said, "but it was also the truth."

I had also noticed another truth.

Adira was in love with the King and he did not love her back.

Unrequited Love.


A short chapter but I hope you all love it.

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