Chapter 7

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The declaration was more like a violent snarl, a promise that would be delivered to it's prey. Except, I wasn't anyone's prey.

Not yet atleast.

In my peripheral vision I watched as Danesha backed away, falling into the crowd that surrounded us. That wretched bitch knew exactly what was happening.

Soon everything was deadly silent as everyone waited with bated breaths for what was to come. Michael had long discarded his tray of food somewhere and his body braced for an impending attack.

Finally, after what seemed like hours but in reality only mere seconds a man emerged from the crowd. He looked between us both then pointed directly at me.


I didn't cower as it seemed he was expecting me to, my skin prickled in anticipation as the beast within me stirred. My face twitched as she tried to command my body to bare my teeth at the man.

His prestige blanketed the air, enough for me to appreciate the powerful male that he is but not enough to appease my beast.

His muscular chest gleamed with sweat, gold ink wrapped around his biceps and a dirty kilt hung low on his hips. I could already tell that he was a decorated warrior.

I half expected him to spar with me until he motioned for a girl from the crowd. Silver tattoo.

She had an air of cockiness which intensified as the crowd cheered her on, a fan favourite I see.

"Ashanti, keep it clean. This doesn't end until she submits. Keep your wolves in check"

My beast bristled at the thought of him implying that we would lose this spar. Handing my tray over to Michael I took my position, eyeing the female that stood before me.

I wasn't stupid enough to underestimate her, the sharp look in her eyes a clear tell tale sign that she isn't all bark no bite.

The crowd grew still, my beast itched for them all to feel our power, ready for a challenge. The first attack came from her, then another and a another in quick succession.

I returned her hits with equal ferocity, something she did not take lightly to. Anger fueled her next move, claws extended, a solid knock to my jaw sent me pummeling to the floor.

The crowd roared, my beast laughed without humour as the female standing above us circled us haughtily. Blood pooled in my mouth, the metallic taste releasing a burst of adrenaline. Springing to my feed, a growl left my chest as she projected her dominance trying to force me into submission.

My nails extended into talons, just as quick my hand came down in full force across her face. Blood sprung from the jagged claw marks, satisfying the beast within me.

Without giving her time to recover I kicked her feet, causing her to fall to the floor. I could feel the spittle and blood running from my mouth, she had gotten me good without doubt but it wouldn't leave a mark.

I knew the moment she came to that realization it would be all over. The shallow marks on her face will not be healing today, she didn't take note of that.

We tussled around for a bit longer, hit after hit. The gnashing of teeth and claw excited me, it has been quite a while since I had this.

The air buzzed with excitement from the surrounding wolves, tables broke in our path and the scent of our blood over powered the scent of food.

Unexpectedly, she dug her extended nails into the muscles of my left thigh, violently twisting them to cause as much damage as she possibly could.

A growl tore through my throat, as pain exploded through my leg. I shook my leg once, twice, three times but she just wouldn't let go. I gripped both her shoulders, digging all ten fingers under the blades.

I wasn't satisfied until my claws pierced and exited the opposite side. The scream that ripped her chest silenced the entire crowd, they eyed our position in excitement. This is who we are, this is what appealed to our untamed nature; violence and blood.

There was only one way this would end, through the power of wills. For the first time I projected my dominance on to the female, digging deeper into her wounds.

She fired back, her spirit not broken.

The fiery ends of her determination met the brute force of mine. Cold and unrelenting.

A good warrior knows when they have been bested, I felt the tissues in my thigh rearrange for healing forcing her claws out inch by inch. She had realized.

Healing would only begin this quickly if the wound was delivered by a less dominant wolf.

Her fight was over but she pressed on none the less, using all her will power she tried to impress her dominance on to me, my beast didn't like that.


For awhile she didn't until she did. Withdrawing my hands from her shoulders, we both slumped to the floor, exhausted.

"It looks like we have a champion" the man in the kilt said.

The crowd broke out in noisy whispers, some hooting and whistling.

"Welcome to the Aimilios Pack, I look forward to training with you." he stooped and grabbed my shoulder firmly.

Standing up he ordered someone to get the medic and everyone else to get to cleaning up. I sat up, hissing in pain at the sting in my leg. Though it will heal and won't bruise it most definitely will be sore for a couple of days.

I turned to look at the female beside me, the wounds on her shoulders oozed blood and she withered in pain but there was an emotion that overpowered her pain, embarrassment.

"You fought well, they still respect you" I said.

She threw a glare in my direction and didn't grace me with a response. I sighed turning away, it was obvious her pride was bruised. If I were to guess, people seldom bested her around here.

"Look what they did to my Love" Michael rushed to my side, surprisingly my food still in tact.

He handed the tray to me while stooping to examine my most obvious wound. He spun my leg from side to side before poking a finger into one of the deep gashes.

"Why?" I hissed.

"Because I can" he said and did it again.

I really hated this man child sometimes.

"It's already healing, you'll be able to walk. Thank Goddess because I had no intention of carrying you around. Now eat."

While I was eating, the medics came to patch us both up. As soon as the last of the bandage wrapped around my leg the doors slammed open.

"Would someone mind explaining to me why the scent of blood is the only thing coming from the cafeteria?" A voice boomed.


Who do you think it is?
This is my first time writing a fighting scene, I hope to get better at it soon.

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