The missing parts of the aftermath 

Start from the beginning

ML= hey Kelly
K= Hey Maggie is a surgery done with yet
ML= hi yes it is. She is on her way to her room.
K= can I go and see her
ML= of course you can but she most likely will be asleep still be because of the anesthesia
K= all right thanks

Maggie brings Kelly inside stella room Kelly then pulls up a chair and waits until she wake up. It took long enough for Stella to wake up that Kelly ended up falling asleep himself. , when Stella woke up, she tried to get something by her self, but ended up waking Kelly up, which was good because then he made sure she was good

K= do you want me to go and get Dr. Marcel
S= no I'm fine right now
K= all right, so are you in any pain right now?
S= no I'm good I'm just sleepy and groggy from all these pain meds and the anesthesia
K= well hopefully you feel better soon
S= oh yeah, then I can go back to work by next week
K= what slow down woman you need to last longer than a couple days so it will be at least a couple weeks before you are given orders to mouch and Gallo and most importantly Carver
S= fine I guess
K= so I was thinking while you were in surgery earlier
S= you were what about
K= well for one usually you are the one who is the one in the chair while I'm in the bed because I'm always the one that gets hurt
S= well that's because you are a person who does something without even thinking about it first
K= yeah, I'm a daredevil
S= yes you are
K= well anyways, the other thing is I was thinking about was the last time you were in this hospital
S= oh yeah, when I was stupid and didn't tell anybody that I was low on air during that high rise fire a couple years back
K= you weren't totally stupid. You were trying to make sure I was safe and besides, I would do the same thing I think almost anybody in the house would do the same thing
S= of course you would
K= well anyways when we got to the hospital, both Connor and Ethan wanted to take out your long and I knew if they did that you wouldn't be able to continuing to be able to be a firefighter
S= oh yeah, well luckily they didn't probably because you talk to them to not do it
K= well actually I didn't
S= OK I'm confused now please explain
K= well back then they wanted to ask your family on what they should do for you since you were unconscious and couldn't make your own decisions
S= wait my family the only family I have is the firehouse
K= well they didn't care I guess maybe next time you have a emergency contact on your papers just in case
S= let's hope there's not a next time
K= yes, please well, I was arguing with them, and they actually kicked me out of the hospital
S= wait no way you got kicked out of the hospital
K= oh yes, I did
S= then how did I didn't get my whole lung out and how did you get to come back and I'm confused again
K= well all the credit goes to April because she was trying to get Ethan and Connor to do a different method but they didn't listen. Then she came outside. We talked and she figured out a way to talk to Connor into doing it and she got the fire house to help out and it worked because he changed his mind before he went in there and started to remove your long so he was able to only take out a portion of lung and it still works so now you can be a firefighter then when it was over she also talked to him to let me come back in and he did
S= well that's a good thing. I guess I'll have to say thank you to April
K= well that might have to wait a while since heard anything just got married the other day and went on a mission to help people all over the world
S= oh wow that's awesome for them
CM= knock knock I hear you have woken up
S= yes I have
CM= so how are you feeling Stella are you in any pain?
S= I feel OK I'm not in any pain
CM= that's good to hear
K= she did say she couldn't feel her legs. Is that OK?
CM= yes, that is very common for someone to not feel your legs after surgery it's because of the anesthesia no big deal She should be able to feel them soon.
K= OK that's good to know

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