Chapter 50 - Special moments

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Big time skip, because I want to finish this story and so, I am not bothered to write how they deal with being away from one another.


Blue Ivy finished their mini world tour a few weeks ago. They had a small break, spending it in the United States. Before they headed back to Seoul, they were in LA, preparing for K-CON that was happening a few days later.

Naya was in the hotel room she was sharing with Eunji, looking down at her phone. Something felt weird that day. She expected a text from Changbin, yet somehow he hadn't reached out to her.

"Hey, I'm heading to the others." Naya was obviously too worried to spend time with her friends.

She was feeling quite tired and wanted to rest for a while. Perhaps have a short nap. Eunji could tell there was a lot on Naya's mind. Changbin would have definitely reached out to his girlfriend by now. It was very strange he didn't yet.

"I'm sure he's just caught up with something." Eunji tried reassuring her friend, then left Naya alone with her thoughts.

Naya put her phone away, laying down on the bed. She looked up at the ceiling, closing her eyes. All she wanted was to sleep a bit, just to stop worrying so much. She suddenly got interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Naya got up, expecting it to be Eunji again who might have forgotten something or the manager. 

Instead she was greeted by someone totally different. Someone who told her that he was in another state. Changbin.

"Missed me?" Changbin walked inside with Naya still surprised. 

It all made sense. He just wanted to surprise his girlfriend. She just never expected him to do something like this. She was actually starting to get a little worried, because the other Stray Kids members also didn't reach out.

"I can't believe you made me worried." Changbin didn't expect to hear that at all.

He immediately apologized, explaining to her that he just wanted to surprise her. But Naya quickly laughed, pressing a kiss against her boyfriend's lips to let him know that there was no need for him to apologize. Though, Changbin still felt bad. It was never his intention to worry Naya.

"It's so great to be with you again." Changbin immediately made himself comfortable, pulling Naya with him on the bed. 

Once more they shared a kiss. A bit deeper than the one before.

"Who are you sharing the room with?" Changbin hoped they would be alone for a while. He wanted to catch up with his girlfriend.

"Eunji, she left not that long ago. Why?" Naya was nervous. 

She was a bit confused why Changbin wanted to know. That's when he smiled and smashed heir lips together. Naya was a bit surprised though let it all happen. She really missed Changbin. Her breath hitched when he pulled her closer, so she would be beneath him.

"I really missed you..." Naya had never thought about this moment before, but she wanted it too. 

"Na... Is this okay?" She could feel his lips on her jaw.

He was gentle. In response she hummed, wrapping her arms around his neck. He took this as a sign to kiss her neck, placing love bites on her skin. Changbin looked at his girlfriend, kissing Naya's lips once more.

"Baby, can I?" Changbin tugged at the hem of Naya's shirt.

As soon as Naya nodded her head to give him the permission to do so, he pulled her shirt over her head. It was actually happening.

Seo Changbin • Haven ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang