Chapter 13 - Trouble

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- NAYA -

Everything seemed to be fine. That was until Naya received a concerning message from Changbin. She should have expected this to happen, because the song happened in secret

Changbin: I have to meet CEO-Nim today
Changbin: Of course, he isn't happy with me
featuring on a song without telling him about it

Naya: This is my fault, right?
Naya: I shouldn't have asked for your help
Naya: I really didn't want to get you into

Changbin: Please, it's not your fault at all
Changbin: I wanted to help you, I suggested
to feature on your song
Changbin: So, please, do not worry about me
Changbin: I can handle the CEO

Naya: I really hope you're not in trouble

Changbin: I won't be, promise
Changbin: I'll let you know how it goes

This whole time, Naya was feeling nervous for Changbin. She knew how scary CEOs could be when someone did something they didn't agree to. Blossom Entertainment's CEO wasn't very happy either, even if he didn't let it show, Naya knew it was the case.


Changbin arrived at the company right when he finished texting Naya. He made his way to the top floor where the CEO had his office. First he knocked on the door and then entered when the CEO was allowing him, too.

"I'm sure you know why I called you here." Changbin took a seat, not showing any emotion, because he didn't really care what JYP had to say.

Everyone seemed to think something more was going on between Changbin and Naya. Guys and girls could spend time as friends without any feelings being involved. But no one seemed to realize that.

"The dating ban is still activated." Changbin gritted his teeth, he hated those two words together.

"I'm completely aware, sir. I can assure you that Naya and I became friends through Chan hyung and Blue Ivy's leader Jenn." Changbin didn't have to explain himself, but the CEO needed to know how he felt.

Changbin felt like he wasted his time coming to the company for a short conversation with the CEO. It would annoy him for the rest of the day, so he had to make sure he didn't let his frustration out on the members.

They were waiting for him already when he arrived back at the dorm. For now, they all shared a dorm together. But the CEO and their manager promised them to look for two different dorms, giving them more space to live in.

"What did JYP tell you?" Chan was worried about Changbin, the same way Naya was, even though there was no reason for it.

"He brought up the dating ban, because of all the fans assuming I'm more than just friends with Naya" Fans could be very fixed on a certain idea, it was hard to change their mind.

"Are you sure? You seem to be really close with Naya." Changbin glared at Minho, not caring for his Hyung's reaction, because he was known for intimidating his friends.

After having to tell his friends everything about his conversation with the CEO, Changbin went into the kitchen to get a protein bar. He needed something to snack on, as food always gave him a happy boost. He took out his phone while he ate the bar and messaged Naya to reassure her that everything was fine.

Changbin: I am back from seeing the CEO
Changbin: As promised, everything turned
out fine

Naya: So, you didn't get into trouble?
Naya: I'm so relieved :)

Changbin: He wanted to make sure I knew
the group's dating ban hasn't ended just yet
Changbin: Because just like everyone else,
he seems to believe we're more than just

Naya: They'll eventually have to realize
Naya: I just hope it won't take them long

- NAYA -

She was so relieved to find out Changbin didn't get into trouble. She never wanted him to deal with a situation like that when she asked for his help. All because of a collaboration. It was stupid, very stupid.

Friends is what they were, nothing more. Not now, not ever. Well, that's what they believed.


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