Chapter 26 - MC Emy

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It had been a while since Naya and Changbin spend time together. Stray Kids had their comeback while Miyoung got asked to be MC for one of the music shows. This meant she would be able to meet up with the boys at their dressing room to wish them luck.

"You should go with me, Naya." Miyoung accidentally woke up Naya when she was getting ready to head out.

It was early in the morning, because Miyoung needed to prepare for her MC job. She was a little nervous as she hadn't done anything like it before. It was very new to her, but she was excited.

"I don't think I should." Naya didn't want to go back to bed, so she had gotten ready as well into a comfy outfit. 

"Don't you want to see your boyfriend?" The rapper's eyes immediately lit up, realizing what Miyoung was trying to tell her.

"I guess I can tag along." Naya would do anything to see Changbin again.

She changed into a different outfit, even if he didn't mind if she was wearing the most baggy clothing ever in existence. Changbin liked Naya because of who she was and not because of what she would wear.

Once they arrived at the music broadcasting station, Naya scrolled through her phone while Miyoung was away to have a test run with the other MC. Eventually, the singer had to get ready, needing to change into a different outfit and having her hair and make-up done.

"Have you messaged him you're here?" Miyoung looked at Naya through the mirror, the rapper shook his head.

Naya wanted to say something when a knock was heard on the door, with Chan standing in the doorway as the door was kept open for some fresh air.

 "I was hoping to catch you before you had to go." Chan hadn't seen Naya yet, since she was hidden by a clothing rack.

Naya got up from her seat and peeked from behind the rack, taking Chan by surprise. He didn't expect her to be there. But he was glad to see her because Changbin had been whining a lot about missing Naya as he wasn't able to see her much.

"Changbin is going to be happy to see you. And we won't have to deal with his whining." Naya decided to follow Chan back to the dressing room of the boys.

When they walked inside, none of the boys looked up from what they were doing. Until Chan cleared his throat, catching the attention from Felix.

"Ah! Hyung! You brought a friend." The young Australian walked towards Naya and gave her a quick hug before Changbin would notice and push him away.

Changbin looked up from his phone to see who Chan had brought with him, expecting to see Miyoung, only to be looking at his girlfriend instead.

"You didn't tell me you would be here!" Changbin threw his phone away from excitement, hitting Minho with it.

Naya let out a chuckle, happy to see her boyfriend in front of her again. He embraced her while Minho was yelling at him because he got hit. Of course, Changbin didn't care. He only cared about Naya surprising him.

"I'd love to catch up. But I have to get ready." One of the stylists caught Changbin's attention.

"It's fine. I don't want to be a distraction." Naya she felt Changbin press a kiss against her cheek.

 "You're not though." The rapper would never let himself get distracted by anything or anyone.

"You're already getting distracted." But of course, Chan knew Changbin a lot better, the rapper definitely was distracted by Naya being in the room. 

"You brought me here. But, I'll go back to Miyoung, so you can get ready. Good luck with your performance!" Before Naya could leave, Changbin brought their lips together once more, while his friends looked at them in disgust.


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