Chapter 2 - Inspired

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[Insert picture with food]

NaYaNana Give me food and you'll keep me happy ^-^
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After going out for dinner to celebrate the one week release of their album, Blue Ivy arrived back at the dorm that they shared. The company didn't force the girls to go on diets, so the girls were allowed to eat whenever and whatever they wanted. Of course, they all made sure to at least eat as healthy as possible.

"I'm so full." Eunji immediately plopped herself down on the couch in the living space.

Out of the girls, Naya enjoyed food the most. She was known as the foodie of the group for that reason. Every single video of them, Naya at least showed the camera the kind of food she was having. The other members would occasionally tease her for it.

After catching up a little bit more as they had so much more to talk about, Naya headed towards the bedroom she shared with Miyoung. The older girl followed her, wanting to get ready for bed. But she knew the rapper wasn't going to sleep just yet.

"I won't stop you from wanting to work on your solo." Miyoung knew Naya through and through, more than the other girls. 

Naya sat down behind her desk, which was more of a table, taking out her notebook. If she wasn't at the dorm, she wrote all of her ideas down on her phone. And as soon as she got home, Naya wanted to write down everything from her phone to her notebook. She was very organized.

"Yeah... I have a few ideas I want to work on." Somehow, Naya had gotten a tiny bit of inspiration when she listened to the other idols perform their song.

"I'll let you be then." Leaving Naya alone in the room, Miyoung grabbed her stuff to head to the bathroom and get ready for a night of sleep. 

Whenever Naya worked on a project, she would focus on it for a very long time. Her friends would remind her to eat even if she would never miss a meal. Enough breaks were also important, so once in a while the girls would force her to take one. During those breaks, Naya would go outside and take a walk, which always helped her come up with more ideas.

While she wrote down part of lyrics down in her notebook, Naya could hear music coming from the living space. It didn't bother her much, in fact, it could help her. And this time, it really did. More ideas came flooding in as she listened to the faint music from the other room. Her feet were moving to the beat of the songs. She didn't know the songs, yet it sounded familiar to her ears.

Inspiration could start flooding in from what you at least expected it to come from.


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