Chapter 3 - Breakthrough

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When Naya walked past Eunji's and Yuri's shared bedroom, she heard the song that helped her a few nights ago. She walked inside as Eunji looked up at her friend.

"Have I heard this song before?" Naya took a seat next to Eunji as the latter patted the empty seat next to her. 

Letting Naya having a look at the playlist, Eunji gave her friend her phone. At the moment, a song from Stray Kids's latest album was playing. One Naya possibly heard before without even realizing it. Eunji was known to be Blue Ivy's Stay as she often talked about the eight boys. She was very proud to say she befriended Chan when she was a trainee at JYP Entertainment.

"I'll let you continue listening to your playlist." Naya then leaved Eunji alone, to head back to her own room.

She took her phone from her nightstand and opened her music streaming app. She immediately bought the album Eunji was listening to. Naya wanted to know if their songs could help her write her solo. 

As she laid down on her bed, she put on her headphones. She closed her eyes, playing the album she had bought. She immersed herself with the music when the urge of writing lyrics down in her notebook suddenly arises. So, Naya got up and seated behind her desk, finding inspiration once more in Stray Kids. Their music was helping her get out of her writer's block.


[Insert picture of notebook]

NaYaNana A flood of ideas came to me
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Eventually, Naya decided to buy the other albums Stray Kids brought out. She never expected there would come a day where she would enjoy a group's music as much as she did now. But thanks to Eunji's fangirling, Naya realized that it was possible.

When Miyoung walked inside her room to grab her phone that was charging, she noticed Naya was smiling while writing things down in her notebook. For a few days straight, the rapper was struggling. She somehow couldn't write anything at all, a writer's slump terrorizing her. So, it surprised Miyoung to see that the problem had disappeared.

"Did you get out of your slump?" Miyoung grabbed Naya's attention, leaning against the desk.

Naya's friends knew how hard it was for her to have a creative's block, so once she finally got out of it, they could tell how relieved she was. Which caused them to be even more relieved. 

"Hmm... What caused it?"

"Stray Kids, believe it or not." Miyoung was taken by surprise by Naya's answer.

Somehow, Eunji finally had an effect on of the members. Finally, someone else other than her was becoming a big fan of Stray Kids. What more surprises would come their way?


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