Chapter 43 - Picnic date

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Even though Blue Ivy was having a break from work, having finished the promotions of their comeback, Naya was looking through her notebook. She wanted to write a new song for the next comeback. But before she could start writing down some ideas, her phone indicated that she got a message from someone.

As she looked at the screen, she softly smiled when she saw it was Changbin messaging her. Her friends were never able to take Naya away from her desk and work, yet it seemed like her boyfriend was the only one who could.

Bin: I was wondering if you wanted go out and
have a picnic on our rooftop
Bin: I'll try to ask Felix if he could help me get
food ready

Naya: You mean he'll make it and you'll just watch

Bin: I would love to help him!!
Bin: He just doesn't trust me even though I
know how to crack an egg

Naya: You did it once

Bin: You know, maybe we weren't ready
to start dating again
Bin: You're teasing me more than the boys do

Naya: Yes, but I'm able to get away with it

Bin: That's true
Bin: You're very lucky on that aspect
Bin: Anyways, thoughts about the picnic?

Naya: Sounds great!!


"It's unfair you want me to make the picnic, but don't want me to join." Felix was whining because Changbin forced him away from the video game he was playing towards the kitchen.

"I promise, I'll tell Chan Hyung you want to go on a picnic with the group one day. But right now, I really need you to help me." Changbin had no choice but to plead.

It was impossible to have a picnic date without any food to enjoy. And, he wanted to do something special now that he could call Naya his girlfriend again. Luckily, Felix gave in easily, mostly because he was happy for his best friend he was dating Naya again. It had been something they all wanted and hoped would happen.

"Does Naya know you would ask me to do it?"

"Of course! You don't lie in a relationship." Changbin would never lie to Naya about anything, especially about something as simple as a picnic.

"What are you guys up to?" Minho was walking inside the kitchen when he heard some commotion going on.

"Changbin Hyung wants to have a picnic with Naya." Felix pushed Changbin away because the rapper was urging him to start.

"Why don't you just go out for lunch instead?" Changbin didn't expect Minho to understand why it had to be a picnic, so he rolled his eyes at his Hyung.

It was getting more and more obvious the other guys didn't know how it was to be in a relationship. If they did, they would understand that you'd do anything to have an amazing date with the other half. So, why go to some place to have lunch with your girlfriend when you could have a picnic instead.

"This is why I would never go on a date." Minho sighed as he realized Changbin avoided answering the question.

Changbin was forever grateful for Felix getting all the picnic food ready as he was making his way towards the apartment's building. The rooftop has always been special to him and it will continue to be that way. It was the only place where he could be alone with Naya, without anyone bothering them.

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