𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻

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Sophie opens her eyes it lands on a castle-like house. No doubt, it was Everglen and it was still as magnificent as she remembered it.

"This is my home, Everglen! What do think?" Sophie turns to Fitz, "It's really huge! And bright." She said, trying to sound more awed then she actually was. Fitz grins, "Yea, the gate absorbs all the light so no one can leap inside directly. My dad works for the council, so he likes his privacy." He said. Sophie nods and pets Marty, looking at the glowing palace in front of her.

Sophie was excited to see her friends and family again. That was no doubt but there was a voice in the back of her head,

They don't know you though.

Sophie looks down. Even though she was back, even though she was where she belonged. The people who made her feel belonged didn't know her yet, and that made her as alone ever.

A faint clicking noise took Sophie out of her thoughts. As Fitz swung the gates open Sophie saw a figure, standing in a small, grassy clearing which was filled with enormous trees. The man was tall and lean with teal-eyes and dark wavy brown hair. He wore a midnight blue floor-length cape, it was fastened by the Vacker pin and Sophie heart leapt out of her.

Alden! Sophie felt like she about to collapse. She had no clue how to react as if she hadn't had build trust with him so she just looked away and mutters a "Hello," Alden smiles, "Hello Sophie. Fitz wasn't lying when he said you had brown eyes." She flushed pink, "Ah, it suppose to blue. Right?" Alden laughs a bit, "It's fine! It just means your very special. Plus, it's a very pretty Color, don't you agree Fitz?" Alden asks.

Fitz nods and looks at Sophie who gave him a nervous smile. She was still having mixed feelings on Fitz.

"Oh, you brought your things?" Alden asks, looking at the stuffed bag and cat. Sophie nods, "Well...I figured that I'd end up staying here, since you worked very hard on trying to find me so." She shrugs and Alden nods, "Yea. We will have to go further into that later," He said. Suddenly, Fitz spoke up.

"Dad, you only told the council about Sophie right?" Fitz asked and Alden nods, "Yes, why?"

"Because this random elf tried to kidnap me." Sophie interrupted and Alden's eyes widen. "Are you sure?" He asks and Sophie nods, "Positive." Alden stares at her, paling. Sophie felt the same, probably for different reasons but she asks, "Are you okay?" Alden blinks and smiles, "Yes, everything is fine. No reason to worry," he said and Sophie couldn't help but snort in her head, "But Kidnapping is a human crime, I could never think of an elf who would do that...Are you really sure? How did you find out?"

"I couldn't hear his thoughts, I realized it only happens with elves since I can't hear either of your thoughts." She said, gripping on Marty's fur and he hissed and she lets go.

"Yes, Fitz told me about your telepathy." Alden then puts his hand on her temple, "You don't mind?" He asks and Sophie shakes her head. Alden then closes his eyes and stays there a couple of seconds before letting go, "Fascinating," He said.

"You couldn't read her thoughts either?" Fitz asks and Alden shakes his head, "Not at all, I wonder why that is..." Alden said, "Well, about the man I'm sure it will be fine. Now, Fitz how did you get here?" He asks and Fitz flushes and Sophie blinks in confusion, "Uh, we leapt here?" Alden sighs and glares slightly at Fitz, "Fitz, I told you not to leap anywhere with her without a a nexus." He said. "Sorry but I didn't have anytime, we left quickly in case the guy came back, plus I made sure to be careful!" He grumbled while Sophie quietly laughs to herself.

"That's not the point." He said, sighing as he takes a black bracelet and puts it around Sophie's wrist, which now was free as she put Marty on the floor. Alden twists it around and asks, "Is it comfortable?" She nods.

Sophie hadn't worn a nexus is a long time. But since she was back in the past, she figured that she would have to build it up again.

But that wouldn't be case.

The Nexus began to recalibrate, then it popped off. The 3 stare at it, all shocked.

??? POV

"...That wasn't supposed to happen?" H I turn to Agent S and hiss, "Of course not! It was suppose to reset everything!" I groan and rubbing my temples. I look to my sister and she looks down, and my eyes shoot up in shock.

"...You didn't." She looks away, "..."

"How is that possible?!" Fitz said, breaking the sudden silence. "I got my nexus of early! That's normal but she not needing one at all is..." Fitz trails off, shock taking over him. Sophie was right with him, how the heck does that work?

"It probably malfunctioned." He said, taking another on out of his pocket, (Which Sophie was just thinking why he had another one.) but when they did they clamped another one around her wrist it immediately does the same thing. They just stare at the fallen nexus, which Marty was playing with now. "...We're gonna have to figure that out later. We can't keep out guests waiting." He said, turning around gesturing them to follow him.

Sophie sighs, tugging on her lashes and picking Marty up and following Alden. But before that, Fitz walks next to her says,

"Your something special. I can't wait to see what you can do," He said, giving him a movie star smile that gave her heart a hurt-ish pang. She hadn't seen that smile in the long time...

She just smiles back,

Not right now.

"This way," Alden said, guiding the two down a wide hallway with fountains lined up, shooting out sparkling, coloured water over there heads. When they got to the end it had crystal encrusted on the frames and such. "You don't have to be worried." Alden said and Sophie smiled, "No reason to worry?" She said and he smiled. Alden opened the doors and 3 people sat at tables.

One had short black hair, pointed ears and a circlet. He had a stern gaze that Sophie always remembered.

Bronte. Her mentor, even if sometimes mean he'd begin to warm up to her.

The woman all in pink had blonde curly hair and a pink circlet. She was gazing at the man with short ginger curly hair.

The woman, Oralie...Her mother, though Sophie didn't, shouldn't, know that. And the man...

Sophie's breath hitched as he spoke.

Kenric smiled, "Hello Sophie," he said smiling.

1154 words

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