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Time had seemed to stop as Fitz ran to Sophie who had put the bus down and was now sitting on the sidewalk.

"How did you do that?" Fitz asked, "I don't know?? Telekinesis??" She answered still trying to process what she did. Then she realize how she was really bad at acting but Fitz didn't seem to notice, "We need to get out of here." They said at the same time, pointing at the driver who looked like he had seen a miracle. He picked her up and said "Come on, let's get out of sight," 

While Sophie was getting dragged by Fitz she had erased the driver's memories.  As they ran to the zoo parking lot she went through all the memories, she already had screwed up the meeting she shouldn't screw this up.  They had stopped running and now he had turned to her with a serious look, "What do you want?" She asked, her voice dripping with annoyance and confusion, "I promise I'm here to help you," She snorted, "Why are you looking for me?" He hesitates, "Im not sure if I'm supposed to tell you."

Sophie wasn't sure if she wanted to run or tell him everything, "How am I supposed to trust you if you won't answer my questions?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

He considered that for a second. "Okay, fine- but I don't know much. My father sent me to find you. We've been looking for a specific girl your age, and I was supposed to observe and report back to him, like always. I wasn't supposed to talk to you" He frowned, which made Sophie's stomach twist. She remembered how weird she felt at this moment. "I just couldn't figure you out. You don't make sense." 

Sophie put her hand on her eyes covering them, "What's wrong with my eyes?" She asked.  Fitz gets taken back, physically walking back. "I didn't say anything-" "Your thoughts are loud and you're wondering why my eyes are brown," Sophie interrupted.  His eyes widen, showing the teal eyes "Well, we all have blue eyes. So when I saw them, I figured we had the wrong girl again. But we didn't." He looked at her with something in awe, this made Sophie want to laugh. "You one of us."

Sophie put her hands away from her face and then looked at him dead in the eyes. "Im an elf?"

??? POV

"Do we have to intervene?" She asked as we watch their interaction from afar.

I shook my head, "They didn't give us the signal that means this is how they wanted it." Then there was a small gasp, me and my sister turn to the older man who was new to the corporation, "So this is where Miss. Foster met Mr.Vacker," He said in a curious and devious tone.

"Your lucky you were even chosen." My sister spat, He glared at her, "I wouldn't want to be under your authority either but I have to." He snapped back, "Shut it you two!" I snapped. Pointing towards the two elves.

3rd POV 

"Did you read my mind again?" Fitz asked, seeming confused. "I asked a question first," Sophie said, crossing her arms "Uhm yes...now did you read your mind again?" She nodded adding, "As I said earlier, your thoughts are loud." 

His eyes were even wider this time, "You taking this surprisingly well..." Sophie blushes and looks down. "I guess, I've always known in a way." She answers, He gives her another smile that made her stomach twist, 'I miss this...no dating drama, no black swan drama...' 

"But what kind of elf am I? Am I supposed to be the ones from Lord of the rings? Ben and Holly? Harry Potter?" She asked in a teasing tone. He rolls his eyes, "Would it help if I showed you?" Sophie nodded. Fitz pulled out a slender silver wand with intricate carvings etched into the sides. At the tip, a small, round crystal sparkle in the sunlight. "Is that a magic wand?" She asked, she couldn't resist asking again. He rolled his eyes, "Actually this is a pathfinder," 

"Looks like an overpriced flashlight," She commented, he chuckled, "You are sassier than I imagined," Sophie shrugged, "Now, this can be dangerous. Do you promise you'll do exactly what I tell you to do?"

Her smile flatters, memories of her family flash through her mind. "Do I have to?" asked Sophie, "Do you want the proof or not?" Sophie's eyes almost brimmed with tears, she was confused why she was crying. Maybe Deja Vu? Maybe the thought of the normal she once had would be gone once she agreed to this, she shook those thoughts away and looked at the elf boy.

"What do I have to do?" He smiled, "You need to take my hand and concentrate on holding on. And by concentrating, I mean you can't think about anything else-no matter what happens. Can you do that?" She nodded taking his hand, 'Definitely Deja Vu,' She thought as Fits looked around the empty parking lot. "Alright, are you ready?"

Sophie took a deep breath, "Yep! let's get this show on the road." Grabbing his hand, with him slightly blushing. As they stepped into the light the 3 figures watch from a distance with a worried feeling on the stomach. 

(A/n  I'm really  tired so I might take a break? idk but I hope you enjoyed it!)

910 words 

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