Chapter 31

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We did get Spanish homework today so I will get to bring my grade up a little. At lunch we all sat together and I started to give myself insulin. 

"Wait, you're also diabetic" asked Sylvie. 

"Ya" I said. 

"Oh, I found out I was like a week ago" said Sylvie. 

"How" asked Harley. 

"Well I wasn't feeling well but my mother knew about diabetes and took me to get tested. My brother was pretty much worried sick and also demanded that he should learn everything there is. Now that I'm feeling better my brother wants to throw a feeling better party. He is what you might call a party animal. And very spoiled" said Sylvie. 

"Why doesn't he go to school here" asked Mj as she looked up from her book. 

"I was adopted as a baby. I found my birth family and wanted to live with them in America for a bit but my Brother is still in Norway" said Sylvie. 

Sylvie is giving me weird vibes. Not like she will kill me or anything. Just that there is something she isn't telling me. I'm probably just paranoid with everything that happened. The speakers turned on. 


I was in my lab working on finding out where Peter is. He has to be somewhere. He is most likely at school and going threw his life. He just can't see us. So even if I find him there is no way to show myself with out ending up like Hawkeye. I don't even know if he is still alive. I felt a small pinch my neck. 

"What the hell" I asked. 

I stopped what I was doing and started to feel something. God I miss Friday. I felt around the spot and found a dart. I pulled it out and looked at it. It had a green color on the end. But how? Who would get in here and be able to attack me? I don't have Friday but I still have security. I fell to my knees and saw Loki in the door way. 

"Loki, I've been shot" I said. 

"I know" said Loki. 

I was confused. Loki held up the dart gun that he was holding. I was shocked. Although I kinda feel like I shouldn't be. It is Loki after all. I fell onto my hands and Loki walked up to me. 

"Why have you done this? We helped you gain the earth's trust" I said as I looked up at Loki. 

Loki smiled and got on his knees. 

"And I thank you for that Stark. But being a Avenger isn't for me. I've been kinda bored lately and you still haven't found the poor boy" said Loki. 

I can feel the world closing in. 

"So what, you go back to being a villain and try to take over the earth" I asked angrily. 

Loki laughed. 

"Do you truly think so little of me Stark. I have no interest in earth anymore. But I suppose I will cause some mischief before I go" said Loki. 

"Now as for you" said Loki as he put his hand under my chin. 

"The dart is just a sleep drug. I promise that I won't kill you or the other Avengers. But that is only because of the memories we made together. However I already took care of your friends before coming to see you" said Loki. 

I fell on to the floor and I'm trying my hardest to stay awake. 

"What do you want Loki? What could possibly be better then being the hero" I asked. 

"You wouldn't understand. I know you might take this personally. It's not, I promise. I just need you out of the way for my plan to work. So I will put you all where I can watch you and you won't cause trouble. Especially Thor with the blabber mouth he is. But say hello to Barton when you get to him" said Loki. 

I felt my heart ache a little. Barton, he's, he can't be. 

"You bitch" I said. 

I fainted and was out cold. 

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