Chapter 8

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I turned around to face the couple right next to us.

"Peter here is diabetic but I have no idea how much sugar is in any of the stuff here" said Tony.

"Well you actually have to count carbs and take insulin based on that" said the guy.

"Thanks, we are new to all this" said Steve.

"Of course, anyway what is your son having" asked the man.

I looked at the menu.

"The three cheese tuna penne" I said. (Not real dish. Originally I did chicken but then decided to make Peter Jewish and we don't mix meat and dairy. Fish isn't considered meat in the reals of Kosher.)

The guy explained the math and how much insulin to give me. Tony thanked the man and he went to sit down with the women. I feel like he isn't human. I'm probably paranoid. We got the drinks and ordered some food. Steve and Tony talked about Avenger stuff.

"I'm almost done with the upgrades on Spiderman's suit" said Tony.

"Great, what is he anyway? I mean is he a new avenger or just a trainie of yours? Plus there is the question of is he moving in with us? How did you even meet him" asked Steve.

"Well the kid was having a school trip to Stark tower. He got lost and some how entered one of the labs that wasn't being used that day" said Tony.

He gave me a quick look but thankfully Steve didn't notice.

"He got bit by a radio active spider. The workers were testing radioactive animals and found a spider was missing. Anyway I looked at the security footage and saw the kid. It didn't take long to track him down. I waited outside his school one day and sent a tiny drone to follow him home and keep track of him but I deactived the drone when I recruited him" said Tony.

I was shocked. How did I not fucking notice that drone?

"The fact that you are even allowed near kids is surprising" said Steve clearly not approving of it.

"Ya, that is kinda weird. Did it film him naked or anything" I asked.

Does Tony have nude video of me?

"No, I would never. That isn't even legal. Give me some respect. I would never film the kid naked. Porn videos are gross" said Tony.

"Do you actually believe that" asked Steve sarcastically.

"Hey, not all fuck boys like porn. Some of us aren't into that. Especially since now it's all furries" said Tony.

"What's a furry" I asked.

Tony and Steve were silent.

"Find me and ask again when you are older Peter" said Steve.

The food was given to us and Tony gave me the proper amount of insulin. I had to wait a bit before I could start eating. The pasta was delicious though.

"Before we get back to the avengers building we will have to get some clothes from your apartment since you are spending the night" said Tony.

"Okay" I said.

The rest of the dinner was just talking about random stuff. After we finished Tony paid for mine and his food because I didn't have the money. A few of the avengers stayed to have desert but I decided to go home and pack for the night. We made it to the apartment and I unlocked the door. I took Tony to my room.

"You got a bunk bed" asked Tony.

"Ya, my other bed broke and this was the cheapest we could find" I said.

Tony placed the bag on my bed.

"What kind of pajamas are you going to bring" asked Tony.

I started packing clothes and everything I need for the night.

"Can you drive me to school tomorrow" I asked as I packed some socks. 

Type 1 Love (Starker)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz