Chapter 26

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I walked into the base.

"Hello Peter and Tony. Welcome back" said Friday.

"Hi Friday" I said.

Tony took me to the lab.

"I have made some modifications on the suit" said Tony.

"Great, can I try it on" I asked.

"Sure" said Tony.

Tony got the suit and I put it on. I noticed it felt a little different and only the top half tightened.

"I made it suit able to track your levels. Karen will notify you about them and can web you to a wall if needed" said Tony.

I was surprised. I, I wasn't expecting that but okay.

"Why aren't the bottoms working" I asked.

"Pat your left hip" said Tony.

I patted it and the pants tightened around my legs.

"Cool" I said.

"Now you just have to press the spider on the top to make the top loose and you can give yourself insulin" said Tony.

"Thanks" I said. 

"Now I want to do some training in the lab before you go our being a hero. I want to make sure this all works" said Tony. 

"Okay" I said. 

Tony got a message on his phone. 

"I'll be back. It's just some Avenger stuff" said Tony. 

He left the room. I took the suit off and sat in a chair. 

"Hey Friday" I said. 

"Hello Peter" said Friday. 

"Hey, can I open a new project? In secret" I asked. 

"What for" asked Friday. 

"Well, I want to have the arc reactor but as a insulin pump" I said. 

Friday pulled up the blue prints of the arc reactor. 

"Please don't let Tony know about this" I said. 

"Of course Peter, I know how to keep a secret" said Friday. 

I started working on trying to find a design. I need it to fit the arc reactor and a packet of insulin. Then I would have it inject insulin. However we inject it into fat because it helps the body absorb insulin predictable and slowly. So there is a lot of complications. I don't know, maybe it's a stupid idea. I saved the work for now and waited for Tony to get back. After five minutes he came back and we made some small adjustments to the suit and made sure it fits and works. 

"I'll see you tomorrow after school" I said. 

"Don't stay up too late Pete" said Tony. 

"I won't" I said. 

I left the tower and met my mom outside. She took me home and we had a milkshake on the way since I was low. When I got home I had a video chat with Mj, Harry, Ned, and Harley. 

"Are you guys going on the trip" asked Mj. 

"Ya, my father already made me a list of what to bring with 1,000 dollars for food and spending money" said Harry. 

"What, does he plan on you buying a new car while we are there" asked Ned. 

"No, my dad is just so rich he practically just throws money away" said Harry. 

"Wow" said Mj. 

"Peter will you go there" asked Harley. 

"I'm not sure. I want to but I still am getting use to the whole diabetes thing. I'm not sure if I should go on a trip yet. I might forget something and then have complications" I said. 

"True, plus even if you could get your parents to come with on the trip Flash would never let you forget" said Ned. 

"I would love to use the weapon the Mr Stark gave me on him" said Harley. 

"Dude he gave you a weapon" asked Harry. 

"Ya, it's just a flash light that stops bully. Nothing dangerous" said Harry. 

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