Chapter 14

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We made sure that the monitor fits and works. After everything was settled my parents sat me down. Whatever they want to tell me is serious. However I already have type 1 diabetes so what more is there to tell me? 

"Peter, the doctors did some test and found out that you have to lose your leg" said my dad. 

I was shocked. 

"Why" I asked. 

I never thought about having to lose my leg. I know it's not bad or the end of the world. My mom lost her whole arm and is still living a happy life. 

"There was too much damage down there. The doctor said it's all below the knee and leg or foot amputation is common with diabetes. The best we can do now is amputate the bad leg and keep you healthy so you can keep the other leg" said my mom. 

That is true. Plus it's not my fault. It's just a shit genetic issue. I'm not saying I have shit genetics it's just that type 1 diabetes is a auto immune issue and I couldn't of prevented it. I'm just lucky I can keep my knee. 

"Did they say which leg" I asked. 

"The right one" said my dad. 

I have to think about all. My parents said that the appointment was set for Monday after school. They will pick me up from school and we will go to the hospital and I can ask the doctors any questions I have. I just spent the rest of the night researching amputations. On Monday I got up for school. I had breakfast and met up with Ned and Mj. 

"Hey, are you feeling better" asked Ned. 

"Ya, I'm doing okay. I just have a lot on my mind" I said. 

"Like what" asked Mj. 

I took a deep breath. 

"I have to get my leg amputated after school" I said. 

"What" asked Ned. 

"Ya, apparently it's common for diabetes" I said. 

"So will you still be Spiderman" Ned whispered. 

"I don't know. I still have to talk to Mr Stark about the suit" I whispered. 

Which reminds me, I should probably let him know I'm not going to the base after school. 

Peter: Hey Tony, I am texting to let you know that I won't be able to come in after school. 

Tony: Oh, why 

Peter: I have to get my right leg amputated 

Tony: Ouch, good luck 

Peter: Thanks 

I have this weird feeling. I feel like it might not be Tony I'm texting. I was about to call him but decided not to. I'm at school and who else could it possibly be? I put my phone away and went to class. After school my parents picked me up and we went to the hospital. I'm actually a bit nervous. I never had a surgery before. Will it hurt? 

"You'll be asleep so you won't feel a thing" said the doctor. 

"Okay, how long until I'm healed" I asked. 

"If all goes well the wound will heal in about four to eight weeks. But that isn't including being able to walk again. Once the wound is healed then you can get a fake leg and start the process of learning to walk again" said the doctor. 

"What do you mean if all goes well" asked my dad. 

"Well there is a chance that something can go wrong. He can slip on a wet floor with his crutches and have to get more of his leg cut off. But in most cases it's about four to eight weeks so everything will be okay" said the doctor. 

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