Chapter 17

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A week after staying at the hospital I was allowed to go home. I can walk on my crutches or use a wheelchair but it's going to be a while before I can go to school but I do have online classes. 

Peter: Hey, did you find anything 

Ned: Someone used the public library computer to access your info on the school website but it says I can't find out who 

Peter: Guess this person is smarter then we thought 

Ned: Wait, It says it's Eddie Brock Thompson 

Peter: Who would that be 

Ned: I have no idea. The only Thompson I know is Flash. But there is no way it could be that jerk. I wonder if it's the new student 


Ned: Two actually. Harry Osborn and Harley but I don't know his last name 

Peter: Is it possible this guy created a fake account 

Ned: Maybe, but we also go to a huge school. Everyone also heard about what happened on the trip. So it could be a older class student 

Peter: Probably, but why keep the identity a secret 

Ned: I have no idea. I can search threw the student data base later 

Peter: That will take forever Ned. We have 30 students in our grade alone 

Ned: True, and that isn't even counting online students 

I put my phone away and got out of the car. I got my crutches and we went upstairs. My dad opened the door and the apartment was dark. I probably shouldn't walk around in the dark. 

"Where are the lights" I asked. 

My father turned on the lights and Ned and the avengers all said surprised. There was a welcome home sign. 

"Welcome home Pete" said Tony. 

"We threw you a welcome home party" said Natasha. 

"Thanks guys, I just wish I wasn't too tired to enjoy it" I said. 

"It's okay, you are still healing. I also got a new lego set we can build later" said Ned. 

We had some cake and I did give myself insulin so I won't go high. After the party I napped and watched tv. I spent a couple weeks doing some healing. 

Tony: Hey kid, how are you doing 

Peter: I'm board, when can I be spiderman again 

Tony: Well, the team has talked and we might need you for a mission 

Peter: 😀 Awesome 

Tony: You won't be fighting anyone 

Peter: Then why am I needed 

Tony: Have you ever heard of the Cabal 

Peter: Ya, the team of villains 

Tony: Well they have a base in New York. We are planning on breaking in and stealing some stuff but the cabal doesn't know that you work with the avengers so you can't be spotted by them or the mission is over 

Peter: Okay, I can do that 

Tony: I don't believe you kid 

Peter: Why, I can handle myself 

Tony: Did you forget the plane? Or the ship 

Peter: Are you still on that? I thought we were passed that 

I know I made mistakes but I was hoping that Tony was past that. He wasn't perfect either. Plus Tony is my crush. I just hope he doesn't hold that over my head forever. I'm only human and it's not like anyone died 

Tony: I just want to run a practice test to make sure you will be safe. The leader of the cabal is Red Skull. I think he worked for the nazis 

Peter: Then he probably won't like that I'm Jewish. But if I agree to the training then I can go 

Tony: Yes, IF you pass

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