32 - Mr and Mrs Birla

Start from the beginning

"Hello, Sir." Charming, Pleasant, Respectful. Remember, Abhimanyu. "How do you do?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Mr. Iyer replied, shaking Abhimanyu's hand.

"And this is my wife. Akshara Birla." Abhimanyu turned towards Akshara, bringing her to the forefront.

"Hello." Akshara shook Mr. and Mrs. Iyer's hands.

"And this is our other board member, Mr. Arora and his wife, Mrs. Arora." Harshvardhan went around the entire table making introductions.

By the end of the introductions, Akshara's hand hurt and Abhimanyu's jaw felt as if it was locked in place by smiling too much. Being pleasant and charming was tougher than it looked.

"So you did get married. We all thought it was just a joke you were playing with us." Mr. Mehta, the third board member pointed out slyly.

"I admit it was a shotgun wedding but I assure you it's as real as weddings come." Abhimanyu lied, straight through his teeth, respectfully.

"So, tell us, how did you both meet?" Mrs. Khanna, the wife of Mr. Khanna was a bit too eager to get to know their love story.

"At the community center."

"At a club."

Abhimanyu and Akshara passed awkward glances at each other before turning to face the board members who were furrowing their brows in confused suspicion.

"What we meant to say is we first saw each other at a club where I'd gone with my friends for a night out. He and I didn't talk much but you know, we just felt a connection." Akshara lied through her teeth, looking Abhimanyu lovingly, trying to sell the lie.

Abhimanyu stared back at Akshara with affection as his grasp on her hand tightened and his smile widened.

"And then Abhimanyu came to visit me at the community center where I volunteer with helping kids with music and the arts. Before we knew it, we were hitting it off and we were deeply in love before we could even blink. It was somewhat of a love at first sight you see. It was just meant to be, I guess." Akshara finished her explanation, trying not to dig deeper into the lies she was spewing.

It wasn't a complete lie either. She had seen an entirely different side to Abhimanyu when he'd come to Camp Night the Community Center. There were layers to him, his personality that even she hadn't figured out till now.

"Dr. Birla volunteers at the community center? Since when? That's news to us." Mr. Mehta uttered, condescendingly.

"I think you're mistaken Mr. Mehta. With all due respect, I do think Dr. Abhimanyu Birla is a very charitable person and is especially great with children. You would have known that had you read his proposal to open a children's wing of the Birla Hospital as well as his intention to fund a charity ward using some of the annual profits from the hospital." Akshara replied, holding no hostages.

Abhimanyu glanced at Akshara, startled at Akshara's claims. How did she find out about his dream to open a children's wing of the hospital? And the charity ward? He didn't recall ever talking to her about it.

"You all may think because of how my husband behaves on his personal time, he is not a suitable candidate for the position of CEO, which I agree with. But why then are you overlooking his ideas that will do nothing but contribute to the betterment of the hospital?"

Abhimanyu stared at Akshara with pure admiration as she continued to speak on his behalf, defending him from the nagging and condescending glances the board members were throwing at him.

The board members passed uncertain glances at each other, offended that Akshara had dared speak this much in front of them. Harshvardhan and Richa stood at the sidelines, watching the scenes unfold whilst Parth had managed to make his way around to the table too, ready to get the show on the road.

"Firstly, this is no place for you to speak, Mrs. Birla as this matter does not concern you..."

"Oh the contrary Mr. Iyer, I do think you underestimating my husband and his ability to do his job properly is a matter that concerns me."

"No one is questioning his abilities as a cardiac surgeon. He is one of the best in the business."

"But yet you don't think he's capable of having good ideas? The charity ward, the children's wing?"

"It's not about the idea, it's about the funding too." One of the board members answered, whose names Akshara could not be bothered to remember because they were all one and the same.

"Are you telling me this hospital, which runs like a multi billion dollar corporation has no money to spare for charity? Then what is this Gala for? Deepening your pockets?"

"Before you point fingers at us, ask if Dr. Birla is ready to 'volunteer' for free at the charity ward?"

"He is. But are you ready to take a bit of a pay cut to fund the children's wing and charity initiatives? Isn't this your hospital too?" Akshara challenged, making Abhimanyu smirk.

Abhimanyu cleared his throat before starting his pitch. "You claim any publicity is good publicity and there is no better publicity than having a charity ward where patients can get treated for a fraction of the cost all due to the generosity of our wealthier patients? And the children's wing will create another revenue street for the hospital. Yes, it's s big investment but I assure you, your one small investment will not only improve the lives of patients but also put Birla Hospital on the road for the top 3 hospitals of India."

Akshara and Abhimanyu smiled at each other, supportive of each other's statements.

"I used to work as a waitress and had I gotten a long or short term illness, there is no way I would have been able to get myself treated at Birla Hospital. So by organizing the charity ward, you're giving everyone in india an equal chance at the treatment they deserve." Akshara vouched.

"And treatment, illness is scary as it is. And when the children and their parents are already going through stress as it is, the last thing they require is to be stuck in a hospital where everything bland, dull and boring. We need to keep them stress free, not add to their stress." Abhimanyu explained, relieved that there was a slight chance the board may actually consider his proposal.

The board members looked around the room and nodded their heads. "Okay, fine then Mr. Birla, send in your proposal and we will take a look at it." Mr. Arora stated.

"Thank you, sir." Abhimanyu squeezed Akshara's hand in relief and happiness.

Akshara had managed to do the impossible —convinced the board to take his proposal seriously —something which he'd failed to do.

"And who knows, if the proposal gets approved and if it's showing potential for good growth, we may be looking at the next CEO of Birla Hospital." Mr. Mehta announced earning a proud fatherly grin from Harshvardhan Birla.

Abhimanyu nodded his head in agreement as his eyes darted towards Akshara, searching for her reaction.

"Of course. Thank you." He replied, speaking indirectly to Akshara as he stared at her, squeezing her hands tight in pure and instant gratification.

He then turned around to glance at the board members, "We will take our leave now, we have already occupied much of your time."

"Married life suits you, Dr. Birla." One of the board members informed them.

And for the first time since their entire fake marriage arrangement, since the beginning of their marriage contract, Abhimanyu couldn't help himself but wholeheartedly admit, "Yes. Marriage does suit me." Or maybe it was just marriage with Akshara that suited him.

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