Chapter 27

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Bakugou's pov:

I take trembling breaths, my hands shaking as I wipe my face roughly, removing the blood dripping down from the gash on my forehead.

Sero creeps up, letting soft words leave his mouth, telling me to stop acting like a little kid, and it's gonna happen so why fight it.. and I lose it.

I jump on him, pulling and hitting.

I hear him yelling and cussing, feeling equally hard hits landing.

I kick him him the balls as hard as I could, hearing him cry out, he snatches me by my hair, shoving me down.

He managed to get me to the ground again, his hands around my neck.

I gag and fight to remove his hands but they were too tight.

To strong.

My head felt as if it was about to explode and my leg's and arms started twitching, and I feel a unknown fear and panic rise inside of me.

Just as fast as he had me down, he let go.

I roll over sucking in big gulps of air, my body shuddering from nerves.

I raise myself in time to see Mina push Sero out and shut the door.

Then I collapse, crying helplessly.

I get up after a moment, and go sit on the bed, holding myself.

Sero truly scared me.

I jump as yells and thuds start coming from the hallway, at first I choose to ignore them, but they got louder and more urgent as the seconds went by.

I make my way to the door, hesitant, finally, I open it slightly looking out to see Mina crouching over Kirishima.

My whole body goes cold.

Kirishima was on the ground, blood coming from somewhere, scattered around him.

Sero, Tetsu and a group of guys, we're around him, still throwing kicks and stomps at him and his legs.

I felt yells clawing out as I start moving, disbelief and horror filling me.

Mina had makeup all down her face, she was in the middle of screaming and protecting Kirishima, her arms out wide, trying to cover as much as she could, I could tell she's been caught in the crossfire a couple times, her own eye had a huge bump, and they would stomp her hands as well the more she tried to stop them.

I gasp, choking on my own words as Tetsu comes and hits Mina hard across the face, telling her to get off.

She doesn't move, her face hard and desperate,

"I'm not going anywhere."

Tetsu raises his hand up to smack her again, but it was my turn.

I grab it and twist it in one motion behind his back, ripping it back up as he lets out a strangled yell, He easily pulls away from me, hell the dude is a giant.

He grabs me up and hits me in the gut, making me crumble to the ground.

The wind knocked from me.

Tetsu and the others come stalking back to Mina and Kirishima, but Mina screams out,

"YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH! Leave him alone! leave him alone! He's hurt! You went way to fucking far!"

They snicker, but Sero lifts his hands and spits on Kiri, a little getting on mina's face, then him and the guys turn to walk away, leaving us to soak in what the fuck just happened.

As soon as they were out of sight I run and drop down to him.

Mina was sobbing, holding his head on her lap, calling someone on her phone, you could barely make out what she was saying.

I wasn't far from losing it either.

But Kirishima needed me.

He's saved my ass more than a few times.

I try and clean his face up, wincing at the gashes and marks left from there shoes.

His nose had stopped bleeding, which, thankfully, was where the majority of the blood on the ground came from.

I wipe his face gently as Mina calls for help, brushing his hair back behind his ear.

I whisper,

"Why dummy.."

All of a sudden, we hear a weak groan, and he starts to move.

I sit a hand on him and say,

"Ei! .. Hey, Hey, it's alright. you gotta.. you just gotta hold still for a minute, okay? We don't want you hurting yourself more, so please.. just lay still."

I watch his eyebrows furrow in pain and he mumbles,

"Those dicks.. had me that time."

I laugh nervously, relieved he seems aware and say, "Only because there was one of you, and 6 of them."

But I noticed he's already slipping back off.

Both Mina and I stayed until we heard the urgent footsteps of the nurse running through the hall.

Finally the nurse comes around the corner and gently coaxes him into a sitting position, then makes him stand, checks his pupils and uses a few stitch band aids.

He passed everything that required him to go to the hospital, the nurse said he was a heavy bleeder so that should explain the mess.

I see Mina stay back, still locked in conversation with the nurse, she points towards the camera, and the nurse shakes her head.

I don't watch long, Kirishima had already shuffled his way down the hall, leaning on the wall a little.

I catch up to him and say, "Hey.. What happened."

He blinks blearily, and says, "I was trying to get to your room, and I seen Sero get handsy with Mina down the hall, so I stopped it. But I guess I didn't kick his ass good enough, he came back with those pricks."

I shake my head, and then I noticed he's stopped walking, his gaze on me.

I give him a look and say, "What?"

His eyes get a steely look in them as he comes over and looks at my face.

Oh, right.

I was so worried about getting Kirishima to his room, I forgot about what happened between me and Sero.

I look down and say, quietly, "I kicked his ass too."

I hear him chuckle and say, "Who's?"

But then he noticed I wasn't finding it amusing at all, and he gets serious.

"Sero came in after you left, and uh, I-I told you it wasn't up to me, he'll come in and.. and get what he wants. But I said no. Just like I should've the first time he tried that stupid shit.."

He nods, not responding, and allows me to keep leading him to his room.

We finally walk up to his door, shuffling inside and turning the light on.

I laid in bed with him, stuck right next to him.

He tried to talk but his lip had swollen a lot since we've been here and he would wince every time he said something.

So I shush him, telling him to rest and heal up.

He chuckles and nods.

Before long, I could hear his steady breathing, I couldn't help but squeeze up even closer and smile.

"i've missed you.. so much, Ei."

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