Chapter 21

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Kirishima's Pov:

I laid in bed and watched videos for a while, trying to keep myself from thinking about the party going on and the fact that i'm not at it.

Floods of pictures were coming in from the group chat, and Mina would try and face time me, her name popping up with messages every other minute.

I never answered her.

I didn't feel like watching it from behind a phone screen either.

I sigh, laying my phone down.

It's been hours since the party started, I should be asleep anyways.

I turn over, closing my eyes.

Then a message comes through, and for some reason, I felt like I needed to see it.

So I turn slightly, feeling for my phone.

I grab it and hold it in front of me, my heart skipping when I see Kane's name on there.

I open it, and read the message.

Before I knew it I was jumping up, scrambling to get clothes on.

All he said was he needed me and to hurry.

So here I am, chasing after another guy who doesn't feel the same.

I bust through my door and run down the hallway and stairs, going straight out the dorm doors.

I sprint the whole way, getting there in a matter of minutes.

As I run up, I see cars pulled all in his yard, people yelling and laughing.

I run my fingers through my hair, nervous.

Just find him.

I walk past, coming up to the door, which was wide open.

I keep my head down, not really wanting to stay long or see anyone.

I see Mina, who was on her phone, sitting on a couch.

She looked stressed.

I'll make sure to check on her before I leave.

I finally run into Shinsou,  his eyes light up a bit and he offers me a drink, slurring, "Heyy.. you made it, hell yeah. Join us man, I'm heading back to Denki n' them right now."

I shake my head, but take the drink as I say, "I'm actually looking for Kane."

Shinsou's eyes widen and he says,

"Oh, shit.. Wait, you don't know about-"

I look away and interrupt him, "Yes. I know about Kane and Tetsu."

He nods and says, "Oh, alright. Uh.."

He spins in a circle looking in all directions, then stops and says, "I think he's with Tetsu.. in the back maybe? Or.. uh, check upstairs in the bedrooms?"

I shake my head and say, "I appreciate it."

He calls, "No problem, any time."

First, I head to the back.

I only saw a few people, and none of them were Kane.

Finally, I head back, deciding Kane was probably messing with me and I look like a complete idiot.

I'll end up walking in on them fucking, and that would be my own fault.

But before I get back to the main rooms, some guy with blue hair steps out and stops me.

I glare at him and say, "Excuse me."

He smirks, saying slyly, "What are you doing back here, huh?"

I roll my eyes and snap, "I'm looking for someone, so if you'll-"

He perks up and says,

"Looking for someone? Like who?"

I take a deep breath and rub my head as I say, "Kane, he's-"

The guy moves and says, "Oh yeah, orange hair? freckles?"

I stare at him hard, and finally nod.

He motions upwards and says, "Your kinda late too the whole rescue thing, poor kid been in there since he left."

My eyebrows furrow, "Since who left?"

He smiles and then walks off, saying, "Better hurry, I bet he already thinks your not coming."

I start to chase him, but I growl and control myself, hurrying to the rooms he mentioned.

I get up there and slowly make my way, room to room.

Finally, I open one, and I hear a wobbly, "g-get out.."

I knew it was him, I let out the breath I was holding and say, "Kane? It's.. It's me, Kirishima."

I hear muffled sobs and then I see him come around the corner.

His hair was a mess, and he only had small shorts on.

That wasn't what made my eyes tear up and my blood boil.

There were marks, handprints i've seen before.

On another person I loved.

Kane rushes forward and hugs me, his sobs breaking my heart as I held him tightly.

I just wanted to help him, make it better.

Kane pulls away a little bit, revealing his puffed up eyes and red face as he sniffs,

"I.. Sero was here.. I know it, he was.. He said T.. Tetsu knew.. I.. I tried to s.. stop him, but he wouldn't.. he wouldn't, Ei.."

I 'shh' him, fury bubbling under my skin and I say, "Let me just get you out of here first, okay? I won't let anything bad happen to you, do you hear me?.."

He sobs quietly in my arms as I pick him up, grabbing a blanket to throw over him, walking out and down the stairs.

This time, I didn't care who saw me.

Kane was covered, and yet, I hear, "Kirishima!"

I look and see Mina running up, excitement lacing her face, but her smile died as soon as she was close enough to see Kane shivering in my arms.

She didn't try and stop me as I walk past her, heading to the door.

When we got outside and far enough away from the party I ask, my voice barely audible, "What happened."

Kane hiccups and buries his head in my neck, I accept that he's not ready to talk and continue walking.

After I get to the dorms, I debate on wether I should take him to his room, or mine.

But I didn't have to ponder over it long, I feel Kane shift slightly and murmur, "I don't want to be by myself."

And it was settled.

Kane is coming with me.

I go to my room and take him to my bed.

I lay him down and see him staring at me.

His eyes glittered with tears, as his face slowly crumples.

I sit down and hold his hand, begging, "Please.. Please tell me what happened. Was it Tetsu?"

He shakes his head, but whispers,

"I.. I don't know."

I say gently, "What did Sero do."

Kane chokes on a sob and buries his face in his hands.

I pull them away from his face and look at him, my heart hammering in my chest.

"I need to know. I need to know so I can help you."

He says, his voice giving out,

"He.. He raped me, Ei.."

There was a ear piercing shock and denial that struck me.

Then cold blooded anger.

"He.. what?"

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