Chapter 15

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Bakugou's Pov:

When I wake up, Sero was gone.

I sit up and rub my face, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

I get up and go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, then hopping in the shower.

Once I washed off, I puff my hair and get dressed, walking out.

I start to head to Sero's room, but a weird feeling in my gut made me not.

I turn, swallowing the nervousness building up.

I hope Sero's in class already.

But that was far fetched.

I skip going to breakfast, going straight to the classroom.

I knew if i stopped at the bathroom or anything, i'd talk myself out of going in yet.

I get there and walk in, my eyes racing to find Sero's face.

But he wasn't in the room.

I go to my desk and sit down, sighing heavily.


Deku comes in.

I didn't expect him to even look my way but his eyes land on me and his hand raises, greeting me.

I don't reply, but it didn't discourage him and he comes over.

I glare and watch him as he rubs his neck and starts, "Hey, Kacchan, it's uh, it's been a minute."

I sniff and spit out , "What do you want."

He sighs and says, "Nothing. I heard what happened.. and I know how much Kirishima-"

I interrupt him, snarling,

"You don't know shit."

I see a tired look come over his face and he gets up from sitting on a desk.

I could tell my nerves were shot already.

He stops again, and adds over his shoulder,

"You were like a brother to me, Kacchan."

I tch, crossing my arms.

I hear him add,

"Least I could do is be your friend now, just come to my-"

"We're done having this conversation."

He shakes his head heading to his seat.

I feel my breath stop as Kirishima comes through the door, Mina behind him.

His eyes meet mine, but I quickly look away.

I pull out my phone and text Sero.

I wasn't surprised when I tried to call and it went to voicemail.

He probably didn't charge his phone.

I hold my head in my hand and close my eyes.

I move and grab my bag, digging for my water bottle.

I feel my fingers brush a baggie.

My brows furrow and I pull it up, seeing pills.

They were pink.

What the hell?

Where the fuck did these..


I felt anger fuel inside me.

How the fuck could he put shit like this in my bag?

I shove them back down, and just as I looked up, Sero walks in.

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