Chapter 9

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Bakugou's Pov:

I sat in the shower for a long time.

Letting the water fall on my head and shoulders.

I laid my head on my arms, which were crossed over my knees.

And I thought long, and hard.

I thought about the first time I felt myself feel attracted to Sero.

And the party.

It doesn't make sense.

I keep replaying everything, and I still don't know when something changed.

Maybe I've always had a little attraction towards Sero.

Who knows.

All I know is I'm tired of the guilt.

It hurts.

My stomach twists in knots, and I feel my whole being reject it.

I don't wan't to be the one to make Kirishima's smile disappear.

I don't want him to change the way he looks at me.

Or the way he holds me.

The way he tries so hard to find things I like, or would do with him.

I feel tears slip down my face, mixing with the water.

I don't want to hurt him anymore than I will already.

I finally get up and dry off.

I look at myself in the mirror.

I could see spots of red dashed across my neck.

Horror filled me.

There's no way..

I turn and put the clothes Kirishima picked out on, before rushing out of the bathroom.

Kirishima was sitting on the bed, his eyes on me.

I froze up, but I force myself to walk over to him.

His eyes never left mine.

I finally couldn't look at him as I say,


It's quiet, like we were both holding our breath.

I finally let it fall off my tongue,

"..we can't be together."

I was expecting a string of questions, like why, or what did he do.

But he didn't say anything.

I look up and see him still staring at me, tears had filled my eyes by now, on the verge of spilling over and never stopping.

He stands up, and for a second,

I thought he was going to walk out, just like that.

But he wraps me in the warmest hug I've ever had from him, his face buried in my neck, his arms around my waist,

and then the faintest,

"Yeah.. I know.."

I felt tears start dropping down my face, as I wrap my arms around him, I sob into his shoulder,

"I-I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry, Ei.."

I could hear his soft sobs, it tore me up.

Every second he held me, like I didn't just break his heart, made me want to curl up and die somewhere.

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